Friday 15 May 2020

Ascension Raising Conscious Humanity. A R C H .

Mankind now stands on the cusp of a new dawn that is breaking within the awareness and perceptions of so many human beings.The arc of ascension has also been called that of evolution
however,the upward curve of humanities consciousness expansion is now becoming somewhat
steeper in its incline, this is inline with natural periods occurring within universal cycles of
expansion and contraction of expressed life.
The human shell or vehicle is now beginning to expand into a more perceptive and more
sensitive phase of its expressing mode.This arising sensitivity within, and the inner feelings
that there must be more to LIFE than THIS, and a feeling,an inner dawning that I AM more
than just this physical body.There is much talk particularly on the internet about the word
ASCENSION and what this really means,Basically what ascension means,is that you
individually or collectively begin the process of WAKING UP, from a SLUMBER that
you have been in for centuries, while you explored many lifetimes and had vast numbers of
experiences, that have finally culminated in this YOUR CURRENT INCARNATION to
be the one where you literally joined up all the dots, and this then revealed to your somewhat
startled aware consciousness, that the REAL YOU,that lies beneath this FACADE of FORM
is in FACT a divine immortal SOUL.
Ascension literally means and spells out the injunction that the ancient Greeks put on their
temple entrance of Apollo in Delphi which said MAN KNOW THYSELF! Because when you
FULLY and Comprehensively know exactly who YOU are dear reader of this blog,  you will
know that beneath the facade of form that is the vehicle that holds that wholly matrix the soul
in a cohesive embrace lies the real owner of that most powerful two words which are "I AM'
I AM is the real inner YOU, that outer form is the vehicle which in needed to permit  entry into
this physical realm  of your soul.
We are all very fortunate to be in a time where we have so much information available to us
via the internet and other outlets, just a few years ago souls struggled to awaken alone and
somewhat isolated, today we are more connected, and can be grateful for that.
In part two will look more into this        Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates within you,can you please pass it on to your friends and family, Thank you.

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