Saturday 23 May 2020

Vortex Enfolds Host In Consciousness Localising Earthwards.V E H I C L E .

Humanity is basically a vast collection of vehicles which are all here to basically learn to
DRIVE?  Learning how to drive in this context means "going through the motions of endless
reincarnations here within the driving school of Earth which means EXPERIENCING vast
numbers of Experiences which will eventually culminate in that wondrous EUREKA moment
when you realise your DIVINE IDENTITY!"
Each one of us is a point of reference, the point of reference is a singularity point, that holds
our universal life force within a narrow band of expression, that narrow localised band exits
within our I AM self aware consciousness field,located upon this planet Earth.
We are all held here by our higher selves Intentional field, that holds our life energy matrix
within this limited field of reference,in order to gather enough experience to eventually begin
to ask questions as to whom or what you may be, this can and does take many many visits here
to finally make the full connection, join up all the dots, and then see yourself as you really are
which is a Divine eternal spiritual soul.
If you dear reader of this blog,reading this now, and if it in some way,even ever so slightly you
resonate with this blog, then you are about to waken up inner ideas that will bear fruit in your
Humanity flows like a river of life, we flow DOWN from the astral realm in a clockwise
rotation, and are anchored within the singularity point,which is attached in two places the crown
chakra, and the heart chakra.Then when the " Grim Reaper" is summoned and we die (change VENUES) a counterclockwise vortex opens up, and our astral body ascends back into the Astral
realm, and the physical vehicle rots and returns to this Earth where it belongs.
We all flow down into incarnation, gather our experiences,then we flow back up into the Astral
realm, rest there a while, take stock of what we experienced,what were our joys, and sadness?
What could we have done differently? We stay there,until the pull of incarnation beckons us
then we loose consciousness upon the astral plane,and wake up crying as the midwife slaps
your ass!
In part two will explore this further. Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this post resonates with you dear reader can you please pass it onto friends and family Thanks.

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