Thursday 7 May 2020

Waves Of Motion Begets Souls. W O M B S .

The whole of humanity flows in and out of expression from the astral plane to the physical
plane in one continues standing wave formation. We  all are what science says is totally
impossible to occur,and that is shadows that have substance, we are all basically solid light
which has congealed and set into flesh and blood material. Mankind is a living SHADOW of
what mankind actually is,shadows cast into substance by the indwelling divinity that is the
inner spiritual light of mankind.
Our whole history as humans,spanning back far into our evolutionary cycle,actually began
when we obtained that magic ingredient which was our 'I AM self consciousness field of
KNOWING SELF, This self knowing field of expanded consciousness represented by those
two majestic and divine words of 'I AM' actually MEAN the descent of divinity into FORM
which basically means that divinity is being expressed within a human body, however the
reason why we are all riding this continues standing life WAVE, which deposits us here on
Earth for a spell,then whisks us back up to the Astral plane for another spell,then back down
here again, is because we all fail to fully recognise the existence of this divinity that resides
within us,closer than our hands and feet!!
The question we can all perhaps ask ourselves is this, how many times have I got to enter and
exit the womb,before I make this most vital connection?
Light is the real essence of Everything ,this Earth is not "Earth" as we see it,it is Light.
Our material existence is only a 'shadow' of that higher finer dimension of reality.
When our standing wave is on the up phase,we exit our vehicles (die physically,but NOT
spiritually) and ascend into the astral realm, where we will begin a period of adjustment and
take stock of our last visit here, then rest and relax a while. When the standing life wave is
facing downwards(here the word downwards denotes the lowering of vibration) then when
this occurs, we fall into an unconscious state, (astral sleep)  The ancient Greeks called this
the journey across the river Styx the river of forgetfulness.we then plunge Earthwards into the
place where we are about to be conceived,then as the sperm of the male enters the egg of the
female,which makes a duality,then you enter into this duality and transmute this into a Trinity
This is the time called the quickening, and from that moment on the child is with soul.
In part Two will explore this further.        warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you, can you please pass it on to friends and family  Thnakyou.

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