Monday 11 May 2020

One Power Translating Source. O P T S

Science of today is somewhat grudgingly accepting what the ageless wisdom has known
for tens of thousands of years,that in essence there is only ONE PRIMORDIAL POWER
that exists within this universe, or any other one.
That one power originates within the Absolute,and then translates into this relative universe
by the POWER of the WILL to BE.That will to Be, manifests MOTION from stillness, and
motion is THE ONE POWER.
Because outwardly we are expressed as relative human beings, inwardly the deeper we go
beyond the astral realm, we are then far 'closer to absolute,than we are relative' there we see
one life,one source,one thing,here we imagine many many different things, yet if we look
deeply into any other thing, we will see this one infinite power looking back at us.
Because we are somewhat mesmerised by our submergence within duality, we see things as
black and white,with a few shades of grey. We are caught up in the illusion that there are at
least TWO POWERS, one is the power of GOOD, and the other is the power of EVIL, and
we are somewhat hooked into the belief that these two supposedly opposing forces are in a
state of eternal battle with each other.
The reality is that there is just ONE POWER within this universe and that one POWER for
want of a better word is that of unconditional love and acceptance. The power of LOVE is
ABSOLUTE and eternal, it can be likened to that of graph at one end of the graph there is
what we term as evil,and this evil has many shades some far darker than other, at the other
end of the graph we have more and more shades of love,kindness, compassion, right up to
that of unconditional love. But both of these aspects whether termed good or evil. are both
coming from the very same ONE POWER SOURCE!
We are all accustomed to living within this relative state where we are presented with what
seems to be an endless chain of pluralities, we see things rather than thing,The letter S if we
were to join it up to form the number 8 which when laid on its side is the symbol for
INFINITY will give us a clue about the true nature of there being only ONE, there is no
such a thing in existence that is called LIFE'S there is only ever ONE LIFE singular, never
In part two will explore this further,      Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul realisation.
If this blog resonates with you please pass it onto your family and friends Thank You.

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