Saturday 30 May 2020

Unbridled Neural Intelligence Translating Yoga. U N I T Y Part Two.

'WE' are all the very embodiment of the infinite and eternal principle that we all term as LIFE
life is expressed within every atom and every cell of our physical vehicles, we all term as 'our
bodies, our bodies express a principle that is absolute perfection, so why then are we not
knowing and thereby expressing this Living LIFE perfection? That is an interesting question
indeed?  The most obvious answer is that we are all completely unaware of this reality, and
thereby live our entire lives in ignorance of our true integral reality.LIFE spells out the word
Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy., what humanity actually is and consists of is that of
ENERGY that has coalesced and condensed into physical biological matter,that has greatly
been reduced in its vibration rate,where it looses its invisible intangible natural state, and
therefore becomes visible in the form of biological matter.
Unity and total neutrality are the matrix of universal energy fields, however when this unified
field of neutral energy comes into contact with a self-aware I AM consciousness field of
individualised ego centred mind focused human being, who is also been reduced in its outer
consciousness levels,into thinking and acting in a relative thinking framework, the field
of natural neutrality broadens out to include that of positive and negative poles, and therein
begins our conflicts both internal and external that lead us all away from UNITY.
True unity and atonement with all life can only really be obtained by us becoming neutral in
our thoughts,words,and deeds, which in this modern world of mass communication is often
proving very difficult to do, when then are so many stories of great sadness and despair arising.
Our natural feelings which apply to all of humanity is that we all want and NEED to feel safe and
SECURE,particularly in our own homes, (those of us who are fortunate enough to have one that is)
Neutral lies in the CENTRE of LOVE-NEUTRAL-HATE, GOOD-NEUTRAL-EVIL. RIGHT-NEUTRAL-WRONG, when we move away from the CENTRE which is neutral we cause
resistance to occur, and resistance causes pain and illness, regardless of which direction you take
from the centre point,which represents BALANCE,UNITY,HEALTH,happiness, joy, inner peace,
To really find our selves,we need to find balance within our living energy life field,where we are neither veering into the positive or negative field,rather we remain balanced healthy and neutral.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realisation.
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