Monday 4 May 2020

Only No-Thing Expressed. O N E Part Two.

Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy.spells out the word LIFE, and in that context all that exists
within this relative universe is LIFE, therefore the only EXISTENT reality in our universe is
that of LIFE, and that thing called LIFE is both Absolute and relative simultaneously, this is
easily explained when we look first at the expression, that which is being expressed has like
in our case being human beings, a visible physical structure,the human body is the Relative
outer physical phenomena,  of life, there is though an inner invisible noumena the inner
essence of LIFE, some may call this the spirit or the soul,both terms mean life anyway,and
this inner invisible essence of life is therefore ABSOLUTE and ETERNAL.
Life universally and life in particular within us human beings, is in fact the reality of nothing
being expressed, to break down this conundrum further the word nothing can be seen as reading
NO-THING no-thing is being expressed anywhere, rather what is being expressed universally
and uniformly is more correctly seen as the ALL-THING, when we realise fully that there is
ONLY LIFE in existence,that the word death and non-existent are just meaningless nonsense
we will begin to see the majesty and awesome wonder of LIFE.
If there is just ONE THING in EXISTENCE which is in fact the case, this one THING you
can call it what you like, because ALL NAMES abide within the Absolute,This ONE THING
lets call it LIFE,this then becomes an Absolute Principle,in fact it is the ONLY PRINCIPLE
in existence! Because zero no-thing else exists but IT!  Life then becomes just that which 'IS'
Absolutely and relatively the ALL-THING and the ONLY THING in existence.
We as that of Humanity are all beginning to wake up and see ourselves as that of being much
more than we first thought, many of us see that we are all divine souls having a human
experience here on Earth We are beginning to see how we are all connected to each other, an
invisible connection links us all together into one composite Whole, which is LIFE.
If we can but recast our gaze from forever looking OUT THERE, and instead begin to
look within ourselves, we will then be well on our way of connecting to higher energy levels
of consciousness,which will in turn reveal more to you about who you really are.
Warmest regards Michael.  any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
if any of this resonates within you please pass it on to friends and family  thank you.

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