Tuesday 26 May 2020

Paradoxically Energy And Consciousness Enfold Forming Universal Life. P E A C E F U L part two.

A great Indian master, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi born India 1879 and died in 1950, was
once asked the question by a devotee which was"how should we treat others master?"  The master
replied, "There are NO OTHERS". There are no others, if we as human beings understand that
answer, it plainly reveals that we are ALL LIFE, not just some of us, but all of us,so if this is
understood fully, then it reveals that we as humanity are ONE composite WHOLE. To be an
"OTHER" is not only impossible but seeing any human being as OTHER than you, reveal a
great level of ignorance as to whom and what we really are. LIFE equals Energy which equals
consciousness,and there is no OTHER THING in existence anywhere in this universe.All
seven or so billion of us are just ONE LIFE, one whole, humanity is fully and totally connected
and interconnected to each one of 'us there is zero distance from where your energy signature
finishes and mine begins, any idea of separation or being apart from each other human is a
total impossibility and an illusion, that millions of us buy into, because we are ignorant of our
true immortal divine nature.
'WE' are first SPIRIT,that expressed Spirit becomes LIFE in MOTION, motion is spirit clothed
in energy which is enfolded consciousness, enfolded consciousness condenses into light which
then further condenses into matter and material, mankind is at the terminal limit of expressed
living self aware consciousness.Mankind has reached the so called 'tipping point' in its
ascension towards full disclosure of its inner divinity. Over ages past thousands or even
millions have woken up and claimed their inner divine heritage.We are now at a momentous
time in our awareness, the frequency of our energy bodies is gradually rising, and millions of
us around the world are beginning to wake up from our aeonic slumbers, and feel this presence
within themselves.We are all universal explorers of living diversity, being human which really
pertains to our vehicles, that the real being the soul and spirit reside in,is only a minute part
of our other experiences throughout this universe.Time space age, beginnings and endings are
all illusions,we are all actors on this stage of life,here on earth, the problem we all encounter
is that we believe so much in the character we are playing,whether it be a doctor or dustman, nurse
or mother,we become so engrossed in our ROLE, that we forget it just a play on a stage?????
And when we exit stage left (die) that role finishes,and we then move into another ROLE on
the astral realm.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
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