Friday 1 May 2020

All Truth Occultly Manifests In Consciousness. A T O M I C.

The word occult meaning used in this blog means this,'hidden,mysterious' obscure'secret'  and has
absolutely nothing to do with black magic,or any other nonsense like that. All truth is hidden
(occult) from us by our own ignorance,and lack of insight into what is, and what is not. An
old occult maxim states that "all truth is hidden in plain sight, and we see it not" What is it
we do not see,that is hidden in plain sight? The answer is really  very simple, a child could
easily see it, what is hidden in plain sight from us all, that the Buddha recognised when he
sat under the tree and picked up a leaf,studied it intensely was the connections that everything
is connected to everything else absolutely.The leaf was connected to the tree,the tree was
connected to the Earth,to the sky, to the birds that sat in its branches,and also that he was also
connected to the tree, as he was life,and so was the tree life.If we can make the connections we
will then see the bigger picture, no-thing in existence anywhere in the universe is unconnected
from the WHOLE, that CANNOT EVER OCCUR anywhere universally period.
What is truth? We have asked that question for thousands of years,philosophers have pondered
upon truth and its fullest meaning.One thing we can know regarding truth is that it can NEVER
CHANGE AT ALL,else if it did it would not be truth, because to be truth it must be transcendent
of all time (as time is an illusion anyway), and in fact be ETERNAL,all truth has to be ETERNAL
all else cannot be truth, partial truth in not truth! would you want to stake your life upon a partial
truth, that may change its mind? Or would you sooner place your faith and trust into that which
would never change for the whole of eternity!
We are all atomic beings,what does this actually mean? It means that as a physical relative flesh
and bone body we are made up of countless trillions of individual atoms that all obey a coherent
field of intelligent energy,this intelligent energy is the LIFE FORCE consciousness  that swirls
around our energy matrix in a vortex field of intensified life force capturing within its vorticial
flow your I AM self aware  consciousness point of reference, which exits into this physicality
domain and is anchored within two points the heart and head chakra. Atoms vary depending
upon  the dimension they are being expressed in, alond with the so called physical atom, we also have
ethereal atoms, astral atoms,and within us all we have the presence of ONE DIVINE ATOM.which
I will venture into more deeply in part two,  warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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