Wednesday 20 May 2020

Temple Of Man's Body Soul. T O M B S Part Two.

Every human being's physical body is fundamentally and basically a living TEMPLE in
which divinity has anchored an ATOM of its divine SELF which is attached to the crown and
heart Chakras of ALL human beings. This divine presence is within us all,whether we know it or
not,accept it or not,believe it or not, what we think about it or not think about it is totally
irrelevant, universal natural LAW has decreed that once a being like us attains the ability of
"I AM self aware consciousness, then within its inner matrix, the Divine presence will reside
and be available for the human host or vehicle if he or she begins looking within themselves
for the answer to the most fundamental question any human being can ask,which is the question
of WHO AM I ? It matters not whether you are an atheist, whether you belong to any religious
order,or not,nothing which we believe or do not believe matters NOT ONE JOT, whatever
we accept or reject is completely and utterly irrelevant, It like saying that I do NOT ACCEPT
LIFE! Well whether you accept life or not, matters not one JOT to the eternal principle of
LIFE, which stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy.
Our temple (physical body) is a HOLY place in Hebrew the word holy means sacred,sanctified,
the old English word 'Halig' means blessing that which is holy (you and me) and there is a
relationship between the word 'holy' and 'whole',if we go within ourselves and find our true
immortal identity, when then automatically become WHOLE and complete.Then our physical
body becomes a self aware TEMPLE, where YOU dear reader of this blog,then begin to
communicate with your higher SELF, which is none other than your very own immortal Divine
Not some Divine Entity that lives in a place called heaven(the word actually means HARMONY)
Heaven is a STATE OF  BEING, and NOT a place of RESIDENCE! You then begin to realise
that DIVINITY is closer to you that your hands and feet,in fact every atom within your body which
number in trillions each contains DIVINITY,YOUR INNER DIVINE presence is ZERO DISTANCE
from you, if you call out for help or in prayer,that INFINITE POWER has ZERO DISTANCE to
reach you dear reader, It is within YOUR HEART ALWAYS. All we need to do is look within
ourselves, and make contact with that inner divine friend that LOVES and ACCEPTS you
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you dear reader,then can you please pass it on to family and friends Thanks.

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