Monday 25 May 2020

Paradoxically Energy And Consciousness Enfold Forming Universal Life., P E A C E F U L .

Life in its essence is Absolute and Eternal, It infinitely transcends our human consciousness,
and is Absolutely ALL that is ALL. It is NO-THING and from within it comes ALL-THING.
Life then in its ESSENCE,which here means UNEXPRESSED, and thereby
Motionlessness, unmoved, and ABSOLUTELY NEUTRAL, here relativity and duality do not
exist. At this pointless point the ONE ESSENCE which is LIFE/SPIRIT was just a neutral point
within a VOID which had infinite absolute POTENTIALITY as yet UNREALISED. There was
zero energy,zero consciousness,zero expressed LIFE, zero,zero, zero.Then within the void stirred
an arising INTENTION,this was the POINT of potentiality becoming REALISED, and the
essence of the ABSOLUTE ONE,became the BIRTH of MOTION, that was born from stillness,
This was the birth of the ONE becoming the MANY, and also the birth of a virgin universe that
needed to DRAW from the NEUTRAL state of the ONE, things that we are now familiar with
like that of ENERGY and CONSCIOUSNESS, energy and consciousness are in truth the same
THING, we think we perceive a difference because energy seems to be around us, and
consciousness seems to come from within us, but this is an illusion.Just like time and space are
both illusions.
For life to become presented through many differing dimensions, there needed to be degrees of
embodiment and a coherence factor established to hold the entity in stasis while it gathered its
experiences.This involved the essence of the ONE LIFE becoming expressed laws that would
govern and allow and permit a free range of living expressions to exercise their living expression
to its fullest integrity. The one LIFE playing with energy within multiple levels of existence.
To become fully PEACEFUL, to be fully filled with a deep inner peace, is to know who you really
are.Mankind globally is within the arc of ascension, many souls are now awakening into the
realisation that there is much more to themselves than just this physical shell we all reside in.
We are all Divine Life, energy, consciousness, we have become lost within the maze of matter
we have all been ploughing through for many many life times upon this class room school of
Planet Earth,Its time to reclaim YOUR Divine Inheritance, to fully KNOW and REALISE just
who you really are.
In part Two will explore this further.     Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates within you,can you please share this with your friends and family Thankyou.

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