Wednesday 13 May 2020

We Holistically Our Life/Love Expressed. W H O L E .

I use the word holistically in this blog,as defined by philosophy as,"as a way that is characterised
by the belief that the parts of something are intimately interconnected and explicable only by
reference to the Whole".
What actually is humanity? What is its inner nature? We can all see the outer shape and form
and see these shapes and forms 'going through the motions',but what actually lies beneath
the surface of SHAPE and FORM? Life that is unexpressed is invisible and largely unknown
by us, but when life takes on expression, in other words becomes dense and materialised as
a physical thing,we can see it and relate to it.Humanity as a whole only exists as a relative
temporal reality, in universal terms and in absolute truth and reality,mankind is NONE
EXISTENT! We have all been lead to believe over a very long time a complete and utter
fallacy.What humanity actually IS, is a collection of seven and a half billion VEHICLES
or perhaps more correctly termed as physical containers that have encapsulated the real
being,which is the divine immortal soul,so that it can experience duality and the illusion of
being apart from the whole. You car is a vehicle when you drive it you are a vehicle moved
into another vehicle in order to reach your chosen destination. The only real difference between
the two,is that with your car,you do not identify with is as being YOU!! But you physical body
vehicle, you mistakenly identify as being who you really are! Is this then a case of mistaken
identity,madness, or just plain ignorance?
We live in a physical vehicle and because of what we have been told, we accept this lie and
therefore often suffer in ignorance as to our true immortal and wholly whole being,
Mankind can be seen as a vast collection of mirrors we each reflect upon each other, if we see
some aspect in another being, the only REASON we are able to see this aspect of being or
behaviour is because it is PRESENT within US, if we see resentment or selfishness we too
have that within ourselves.Our lives on Earth is reflected back to us by our fellow beings we
are like in a vast hall of mirrors,each one of us shows the other observer just who and what we are
like, and I kind and loving,sad or miserable,vain and cocksure,all these expressions show us who
we are,and further what we can become also.
In part two will explore this further,       Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you,can you please pass it on to your friends and Family, Thank you.

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