Sunday 31 May 2020

Ascension Is DARK ENERGY. A I D E .

There is only ONE SOURCE ENERGY within this universe, that ONE ENERGY we can call it
whatever we like, GOD, LIFE.Consciousness ,Infinite Intelligence, it is totally irrelevant what
call this ONE ENERGY,it just exists eternally ever constant and unchanging.And we as humanity
are all fully and totally embedded within its matrix.
Quantum physics states that dark energy/matter consists of 85% of this universe, and that only
15% is what could be termed as our relative time space continuum,the universe that we can
observe. The universal law of ONE ABSOLUTE POWER/ENERGY SOURCE, therefore
must include dark energy and dark matter, there cannot be no deviation from this universal
LAW, which is also immutable absolute and eternal. ( this idea presupposes that these two
postulates actually exist at all!) We do know however that there is something THERE and
we know this by inference and gravitational lens effects.
The core of this issue, and a clue as to what dark energy or dark matter may be,lies in the
word evolution,which has now been updated and used daily of various websites as this new
in-word of ascension, what if the 15% that we can see of this relative universe that we can
observe is all that is visible to us, because the rest of it is as yet UNBORN!  And what we
detect by inference and gravitational lens effects,which we call dark matter/energy is Energy
that is not being expressed at this point in our ascension? This DARK ENERGY exists out
of phase with our physical dimension, this is why we cannot directly detect it or see it, because
it does not exist within our idea of our space time continuum. The implication here is that this
relative universe is only 15% being expressed at the moment, and has 85% more to COME ON
LINE, which by the way we measure time (which in truth does not exist,neither does space) so
the implication is that this universe is still very much in its INFANCY, and has countless billions
of our years to advance into.
Another implication arises here regarding this dark energy,and that is where does it actually
reside? This question points to the location of this dark energy as being within us all, it is not
OUT-THERE this energy impinges upon YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS  dear reader as you read this here and NOW!
In part two I will relate how this impinging of dark matter atoms/energy relate to our ascension into
higher states of aware consciousness. Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation
If this blogs resonates within you dear reader,can you please pass it onto your family friends Thanks.

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