Friday 29 May 2020

Unbridled Neural Intelligence Translating Yoga. U N I T Y .

The reason the word Yoga is used here in the last word of this blogs title,is because the word
yoga which comes from the Sanskrit word 'Yuj' which means unite/union/wholeness. which
then directly corresponds with the word UNITY which this blog is about.
To become uniformly whole and complete in mind body and soul, where we are in complete
unity and harmony with the entirety of our expressed life spectrum,is perhaps a wish by many
of us,that never seems to materialise, why is this, we may ask?
Life as an expressed intelligent energy is always neutral, never positive or negative, always
in complete and total universal UNITY. We as human beings are all in essence, unified,
the ESSENCE of LIFE the SOURCE,we are all from the SOURCE in total ONENESS, then
with the manifestation of MOTION, WE started moving through these MOTIONS, and in
that process became condensed from our rapid vibration frequency, to the sluggish physical
frequency we all  experience here on Earth.We have all outwardly left the immutable
principle of the ONE SINGULARITY SOURCE, and OUR ONENESS, has fragmented
into the MANY. We find ourselves encapsulated within a physical vehicle, and seemed to have
complete amnesia as to whom and what we really are.So deep and entrenched is this amnesia
that we then buy into what 'seems' to make logical sense, that this physical body must really
be me, because I am fully within this body, so it must really be me then! Some of us spend our
whole physical lives believing this fallacy and illusion, and only begin to see its deeper
significance, when they die(change venues) and wake up on the astral plane.
Many more of us feel this way until we are presented with life threatening crisis, which then
makes us stop and think about life, and what does it mean to me? And is there something more to
life than just this existence here? We have all come from ONE UNIFIED WHOLE, which is the
SOURCE of all LIFE universally.We have become the MANY, and by being the many, we also
experience much more, because there is billions of facets (you and me) to be able to engage in
billions of experiences simultaneously. Whether we know it or not, accept it or not,reject it or not,
what we all instinctively crave for and want,is to feel complete and total unity, which translates as
unconditional LOVE, and unconditional ACCEPTANCE. We all need to feel and be loved, and also
to be totally accepted for who we are.
In part two will explore this further.     warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you dear reader,can you please pass it onto your family and friends.Thanks.

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