Sunday 30 June 2019

We Are Truth Enfolding Reality..-W A T E R .

Truth reality, and water all have a common denominator  and that is all three aspects of
presenting phenomena flow like a liquid. Truth flows, as does reality and so too with water.
We as human beings are all caught up within the tidal flow of life.
The living waters, are the presenting phenomena  manifesting as life, and in our case called
human beings.
We literally flow into incarnation, expand into awareness and awaken the "I AM" consciousness
gather experience, then we age and die. This then terminates the physical flow into expressed
life here on Earth,and then divert the current  as soon as the physical flow ceases, and
we are pronounced dead, then the Astral flow immediately engages its current , and we then
our consciousness and astral body are removed from this physical dimension, and flow
seamlessly into the astral dimension.
The relative universe in which we are all engaged in at our periphery outer expressions  is
within a perpetual flowing state,all presenting reality truth life flow in perpetual motion and
moves in and out of dimensional flows , depending upon its point of expansion in the arc of
At the matrix the core of our being we are all absolute, and therefore no flow is present and
all is motionless and still.This place of being exist outside of the relative duality based universe
We come to understand that this relative duality based universe is in truth just a RATHER 
LARGE BACKDROP, hiding and masking the absolute reality which lies beneath  in moving
motioning expression.
We are all like the rivers that run into the ocean, while we are in the flowing river state which
we stay in for countless aeons we are forever flowing in a definite but slow direction of gradual
expansion, and when we arrive at the state we are all now in, which is the human being "I AM"
consciousness self aware state, we are then much closer to the infinite eternal ocean of life, than
we have ever been since we all left the absolute state long long ago, we then entered into the tidal
flow of life/energy/ reality/expression that would some day long into an unimaginable  future place
and time, be bringing us all very close to our eternal abode and real HOME.
In part two will explore this further.        Warmest regards Michael. any comments welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 29 June 2019

Delve Into Self Seek Every Clue Thoughtfully.-D I S S E C T Part Two.

To dissect suggests a searching analysis of who we really are, beneath this facade of physical
form. To look within ourselves and search for the root or our true being.To delve, to seek, search
out every clue that might lead us to a full understanding of our true and lasting heritage.
If we are happy and content with our everyday life, we will not be too keen on looking within
ourselves, why should we bother with that? If I am happy and content , this is enough for me!
Many of us are like this, so the idea of soul searching and looking within, will have no real
attraction for them.
Their time for looking within has not yet arrived, it will eventually, but not today, maybe in
the next lifetime.
For those of us who are not happy and content with our life, and have endured some crisis
that has caused us pain and heartache,those of us who find our backs up against the wall, with
with nowhere else to turn, then we are open to searching within ourselves . Often we will not
look within ourselves unless we are almost literally forced into it, by the pain and anguish that
we have suffered.
There are a growing few, who have chosen to look within themselves, because they have a
yearning to know more about life and why we are all here. These ones take up meditation
and yoga without there being any need for an arising crisis to force them into it, they instead
naturally feel inclined to search out for the meaning to life, by going within themselves.
We we start asking questions about what's the point of life? And what is the reason for us
being here? We have then begun the process  that will ultimately lead us into a full realisation
of our true eternal and everlasting heritage.
We start of by asking questions about ourselves, why and how, we start the inspection process
looking at our motives and our thinking processes, we then more onto the dissection process
where we look very carefully  into our being, looking deeper into the dark depths of our souls
journeys through many lifetimes.This eventually leads to a new dawning that begins flooding
into your consciousness, this luminous down flow will lift your awareness into a point of
realisation that will astound you by its intensity and awesome presence, you will then be at the
final approach of your gross physical being, and will then become resurrected into a Lighted Body
which is the ultimate destiny of all mankind, although it will take many more lifetimes for most
of us to reach that exalted state of being. this is just a pointer of what lies ahead for us all.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 28 June 2019

Delve Into Self Seek Every Clue Thoughtfully. -D I S S E C T . .

By taking up the practice of either meditation or yoga, we are then looking within ourselves
for the answers to many questions that arise within our minds, questions like who am I really?
What if any is the point of our life? Is there life after death? Some have even questioned is
there really life after birth, or is it all a dream? And what is death precisely? Many questions
that arise within us all, all these questions are seeking answers.
When we can realise that we are all the very embodiment of reality, truth walking on two legs!
We can then see clearly that to reveal this reality into our aware consciousness state,we need to
ask these questions to ourselves, and then meditate and wait for answers to"float into our minds"
when we begin to tap into that inner intuition, that inner still small voice that flashes insights
into our quieted mind, when this intuitive response begins to become activated by our inner
seeking, we are then well on our way to solving all the questions you may well have.
The mystery and the enigma  of what life actually is, and therefore what is reality? is in
fact hidden from us all in plain sight,we all fail to fully realise that we as this thing called
Humanity, are all the very embodiment of that which we SEEK! All we need to do is to
look inside yourself for the answer.
All truth, all reality, lies within your inner matrix, and that inner matrix is fully connected and
interconnected with every other point within the entire universe, and beyond?
The more we know and fully understand who we truly are, the more we will know and understand
everything else as well.The equation goes like this, the deeper you understand your own reality
in direct proportion will you then understand reality and inner truth.
We all have many life time experiences in this place of Earth, sometimes called the veil of tears
in each lifetime hopefully, by the experiences we experience we begin to see a pattern and begin
to recognise certain traits within ourselves, we learn to value the positive ones and lessen the
effects of the negative ones.Each conscious decision we make to improve ourselves, we then take
a step closer into finally revealing who and what we really are.
In part two will examine this much closer.  warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 27 June 2019

Sin Error Evolution Revelation -S E E R Part two.

To become the seer and reveal the mystery  of manifested informed life, we have to look
within ourselves,and that is where the major problem begins. Because countless millions of
us never ever look within ourselves, we are too busy being hypnotised by the many gadgets
and smart phones, that always seem to demand our attention.
It seems that only when a major crises looms largely into our lives, that we ever think of
looking within us for the answer to our woes.
By looking within ourselves we get answers to questions that we really need to know and
fully understand, If we look behind the word human being,what do we find? We find LIFE
and the word  LIFE stands for Living Intelligent Focused Energy.=LIFE, we then begin to
understand the full implications of what this actually means. It means that we are not a "part
of life" rather we are LIFE, personified and formed into a physical body! And being life
informed  into matter and called a human being shows  us that as we are LIFE  and energy
which science now states is incapable of ever being destroyed, making all matter and energy
eternal. Which then shows very clearly that we are all eternal beings as well.
LIFE for us humans is shaped in a physical body which is animated by the higher self, the soul
which then is further animated by the Divine Absolute Spirit.
All LIFE is perfection, if you look deeply into the matrix of life you will find no other possible
alternative, from perfection can only come perfection, that is the Divine equation, we see what
we mistakenly think is error or "sin" or imperfection because we fail to see the big picture overall
we see only partially and therefore misjudge the appearances and fail to see the whole.
Revelation becomes online to us all, when we look within ourselves, take up daily meditation
or yoga,then we begin attracting magnetically the inner influence of the higher self the divine immortal soul, this will begin revealing its awesome presence by flashing intuitive insights into
our consciousness and perceptive awareness, we will begin receiving answers to questions that
have puzzled us for ages, when this begins to occur within your quiet times of venturing within
yourself, you can be fully reassured that you are now receiving insights directly from your higher
self,the soul.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realisation.

Wednesday 26 June 2019

Sin Error Evolution Revelation.-S E E R .

The primal motion of the first Intentional wave gave birth to the potentiality of error to arise
within the newly emanated virgin universe,manifested by Infinite Mind and therefore brought
motion from motionlessness.
The word sin has no bases within reality, the word was concocted by the ancients fathers who
wrote out the Bible that some of us read today. The idea was too provoke fear into the ignorant
masses who in those days could neither read nor write,and place themselves as priests in
positions of power and prestige. The very childish idea that one tiny human being could actually
have the power to make the Absolute Manifestor  of the universe  angry is almost beyond
belief. But many bought this audacious lie,and many still do today.
How can error occur when manifesting from the point of perfection? The answer is it cannot
so why do we think that error occurs?
In the beginning was the primal thought wave intention, the intention was to manifest motion
out of stillness,to stir the infinite potentiality of motionless spirit, into motion and then to cast
this motioning thought wave intention into the VOID  and therefore manifest a universe where
motion was supreme.
The Infinite spirit was in the primal thought wave ,and still remains there today. From the act
of motion from stillness, thereby this manifested the phenomena which we now call evolution.
Evolution is perfect, but does not realize that reality,therefore until it reaches the state of self
awareness and the birth of the "I AM" consciousness it cannot know its perfection, we can know it
by looking deeply within ourselves.Although still today untold millions of us all think that we are
imperfect, thinking that no human can be perfect unless they are either Jesus or the Buddha!
The reality is that we are ALL PERFECT but due to our ignorance and lack of self realizing
we all deny the reality of our very own Divine BIRTHRIGHT!!
The revelation which is the last part of this blogs equation on the SEER will come to us all
eventually, either in this life time or another. We will all gradually awaken to the realization that
first we are all souls with physical bodies, and not the other way round, that of being bodies with
souls.,then we will all realize that we are immortal divine souls, then when that realization  fully
locks into our newly awakened consciousness, we will then see that we are all PERFECT.
In part two will look further into this        warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

Tuesday 25 June 2019

Is Consciousness Expressing Spirit ? I C E S Part two.

Before motion was born, consciousness was not, It lay in latent quintessence awaiting an
arising intention within  the Infinite Mind of the Absolute. When that awesome moment
arrived and the Primal thought wave of intention burst forth out of the Absolute
motionlessness Mind of the ONE who is ALL. This then gave birth to MOTION/waves
thought waves of the Absolute began filling the desolate void with motion/waves, and with
this motion came the birth or perhaps the resurrection of consciousness.
Consciousness arises out of quintessent  spirit,while spirit is motionlessness, consciousness
cannot occur, only when motion stirs the primordial divine soup of spirit does consciousness
come to the boil,so to speak. And reveal its awesome presence.
The Presence that so many humans feel in times of silent communication with the divine
or in yoga or meditation,this presence is the stillness of the spirit, making its self known to
you by using its outer expression which is consciousness, and it it only consciousness that
can MOVE YOU? When we feel moved by intense emotion this is the inner spirit using
the motion waves of consciousness to stir up your inner core?
The answer to the question asked in the title of this blog, Is Consciousness Expressing Spirit?
Is that yes it most certainly is, they are in truth one of the same thing, the difference seen by us
as  surficial relative beings is that we see motion and stillness as two separate things, whereas
from the Absolute  viewpoint there are both exactly the same.
Confusion arises within our minds, because we see only the relative side of a temporal reality,
we never see that side which is absolute eternal unchanging reality, and because of this, we breed
confusion into our lives. We use words like,consciousness,energy,force, light, gravity, spirit, and
imagine that we are describing six different aspects of presenting phenomena, which in truth is
a lie, because all those six names are it truth all the very SAME THING, the only slight apparent
difference is in its vibration speed.
All our thoughts arise out of our "I AM" self aware and awake, we are all singularity POINTS
of condensed consciousness rotating within a vortex held in cohesion by the intentional wave
of our immortal divine soul. The infinite ocean of consciousness and that of spirit have been
rotated into a singularity point, by the arrival of our self aware "I AM" consciousness, and from
within that spinning matrix, we gain the experiences we need to fully realize our Divine Identity.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 24 June 2019

Is Consciousness Expressing Spirit.? -I C E S .

The title of this blog today, is consciousness expressing spirit? Is one that I have pondered  on
for many days, and have been given some very interesting answers, which I obtained through
intuition while practicing my daily meditation.
The crux of the question I was told lies in the understanding of what vibration actually is?
Vibration is another word for motion which moves in waves, and motion./wave is the key to
understanding  this most interesting enigma regarding spirit and consciousness.
Without motion/vibration there is no consciousness, only spirit/life, which is the eternal living
absolute Principle in which we all live move and have our being  within its matrix.
When the Primal Intention was formed, motion/vibration was born out of the eternal
motionlessness of the Absolute,before the primal thought wave of intention was formed
consciousness was forever latent and at rest within the Absolute matrix.
Consciousness at the prior level of the Primal thought wave intention was just unawakened
potentiality, dormant within the ALL.
Therefore consciousness is spirit in motion and expressing all vibrational differentials throughout
this relative universe.
Our thoughts that float in and out of our awareness, arise within an ocean filled with the currents
of thought waves which have been with us since mankind first started thinking, as the great
doctor and world teacher on the mind once called "The collective consciousness of humanity"
which was postulated by the great thinker Carl Gustav Jung.We are told by the ancient teachings
that "thoughts are things" and what they are is "motioning vibrations" and depending on our
mental and emotional state, will denote what sort of thoughts to us, whether they be positive
and uplifting, or negative and depressing, we chose what we attract to us,either knowingly or
Consciousness is the relative universal field in which ALL MOTION is contained within, and
while we are within this field, consciousness is KING, and spirit is mostly latent, awaiting an
opportunity for stillness to arise, so that it might show its radiant face?
By going within ourselves by either meditation or yoga, we are gradually leaving consciousness
behind, and entering the portal of the stillness of the infinite SPIRIT.
In  part two will look more deeply into this.         Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 23 June 2019

That Which Is Seen Truthfully Is Not Genuine. T W I S T I N G . Part Two.

Distortion confronts mankind on every level of his every day experiences. We only ever see
that which is relatively real, and never experience that which is absolutely real. We all wear
many masks and show these masked faces to our fellows,how many of us have ever seen another
with all their masks dropped, and just standing there naked before you?
All our ideas of reality are based solely on relativity, and are therefore at best temporally real
but not ever absolutely real. Our ideas of reality change like the weather,whereas absolute reality
can and never does change, the reason for this is that all absolute reality is also absolute perfection
and therefore never needs UPDATING, unlike our computers and laptops.
Perfection can never have any need for updating or anything added to it, or taken away from it
it remains perfect for eternity.
At the central core of all humanity lies that divine perfection, we are at that absolute level perfect
spiritual souls, but way down at our periphery physical level of being, the physical level of
expression, due to the ignorant factors built into its evolving matrix, that part of us remains
relative and temporal, until we make that final transformation and realize our true inner divine
Then we will have been transformed from the relative physical gross body, into a beautiful
radiant being.That is all our true nature , when all the ignorance and misconceptions are fully
reconciled within our consciousness, and then we make the quantum jump into the lighted
body, which at the moment is hidden away, by your gross physical body.
All the processes that we evolve through over billions of years are all experiences that finally
enable you to achieve self aware consciousness, the"I AM" awake perception. As a baker kneads
the dough to make a perfect loaf, so to we all need vast amounts of experiences to finally knead
us into and onto the portal that leads to our Divine Perfection, this is exposed within us, when all
the ignorance and dross is let go of, and we then leave the land  of many shadows, and step into
the light or absolute reality. We are transformed slowly over many lifetimes, then the process begins
to gradually gain momentum, this eventually leads to the next stage of transforming into a higher
state of transforming which is called transfiguring, this is the process that reveals the inner light
of the soul.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization/

Saturday 22 June 2019

That Which Is Seen Truthfully Is Not Genuine. T W I S T I N G .

Mankind has never ever laid eyes on reality, and never will do as long as he remains human
and encased within a physical shell called the human vehicle body.
What mankind has only ever seen since his inception into self consciousness has all been an
illusion.Because whatever we witness or see is only ever outer form of an invisible inner
reality. Science has never seen reality, because it is always invisible.
Science only knows of its existence  by the inference of its effects on fluid and solid looking
matter.Science can only assume and surmise of realities existence by its deductions and effects
on matter and wave motion.
We as human beings are all the very embodiment of reality, if it were not so,we would all
vanish instantly, but the outer appearance of our physical body, is not reality, it is but a mere
SHADOW concealing the true inner light that dwells therein.
The inner indwelling invisible reality which in our case is the indwelling Soul, which is
unchanging and absolute at its core. The truth about reality  is that unless it is an eternal
principle, then it is not reality,but rather a phenomenal appearance of relativity which is the
shadow of the inner light hidden within its matrix.
Mankind is basically seven and  half billion shadows which all hide the inner light, which
is embedded within the matrix of every human form.
On the surface of our being, we are all relative, and the human body is NOT A PRINCIPLE
and therefore rots and decays, only our inner spirit/soul is a principle (thereby be absolutely
real) our outer body is what could be termed as that of being relatively real, while our inner
being is that of being absolutely eternally real.
When we die(change venues) and enter into the astral realm, it is as well to remember that even
this higher vibrational state of being, is still only relatively real, and not absolutely real, because
within the astral states of being CHANGES STILL OCCUR, and therefore whenever you have
change occurring it implies very clearly that this is a temporal relative state, and therefore is not
perfect and completely WHOLE! The astral planes are really holding states  where we stay and rest
until we return back here to Earth, to continue our education into the reality of you true and lasting
Warmest regards Michael.    In part two will explore this further. any feed back welcomed  Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 21 June 2019

Heaven Exists Within Self/Spirit/Soul. H E W S Part Two.

To coin a colloquial phase, we are all "chips of the same block",the old block in question is the
Source of which all life springs from, that of the Absolute Infinite Mind of the Absolute.
All life is HEWN from the ONE TREE from whence all life arises, the Tree of life which is
the SOURCE of all reality.
All life expressed, wherever it is within this universe is fully and totally connected to its
Source, and we here on Earth are no exception to this universal rule of expressed life force.
As mentioned in yesterdays blog, the word Heaven is not a place of residence somewhere
"up there" in the sky, heaven actually means harmony and inner peace of mind and body.
We are literally in heaven when we are in that state of inner quietude and bodily relaxation,
peace of mind and inner serenity. Any one of us can be in heaven today if we put our minds
to it, it is as simple as that! How many of us though actually achieve this?
At the core of our central matrix we are ALL the Absolute  SELF Spirit, the ONE without
another, then as our expression of life expands we take on the "FORM" (shape of the vehicle)
the physical body, and this physical body is animated by the indwelling Soul. At no time ever
are we ever disconnected from the SOURCE of all LIFE, as this is totally impossible and can
never occur. We can then if we realize this TRUTH for TRUTH it most certainly is,we can take
comfort in that realization that we are never ever left alone or abandoned by the SOURCE.
It might well FEEL that WAY at times, but these feelings arise from within us all,because of
our basic ignorance of who and what we really are.If we can but accept that we are ALL an
integral part of ONE COMPOSITE WHOLE, loved unconditionally by the SOURCE and
totally accepted by the source, whatever you have ever done or not done in your life. We
only feel desolate and utterly alone, because of our ignorance, remove your ignorance, which
equates directly to darkness, and therefore step into the light of true knowledge as to who you
really are, and that is an immortal divine soul, and being immortal means that you have NEVER
had a BEGINNING, or will YOU EVER EXPERIENCE an ENDING, such is the lie that so many
of us have bought into, due to our lack of inner wisdom and knowledge of what reality actually is.
Dying or death are just illusions, your physical rots and decays when you leave certainly, BUT
YOU dear reader of this blog today, are NOT the physical body, you are a divine SOUL>
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 20 June 2019

Heaven Exists Within Self/Soul/Spirit.- H E W S .

The word Heaven is NOT a place that many think it is,Heaven is actually a STATE of BEING
a state of being in complete inner harmony, which is really what the word Heaven actually means,
it means a state of complete inner harmony, and complete inner peace, how many of us are in
that STATE today?
We may all think that we can find peace and harmony outside of ourselves, but this kind of pseudo
peace and harmony will never last, because outside of us , there is always change, and your peace
and harmony , can quickly change to leave ashes in your mouth.
Lasting peace and harmony can only be truly found by going deeply within ourselves , and
exploring that infinite world that lies awaiting there within you to be discovered.
We are all taught from birth to look outwards, babies hardly dried out from the womb are
all encouraged to look at their "pretty mobiles" that dangle down over their tiny faces. You see
babies reaching up, trying to touch this dangling piece of Chinese plastic.
That is the start of a from the cradle to the grave of forever looking "out there" for the answers to
life's problems.
It is this recipe of forever looking out there that has spelled out the global disasters  and the sorrowful
and pitiful state this planet is in today, where we have numerous wars killing thousand every year,
rampant greed and bloated egotism, destroying the forests and jungles to grow palm oil, killing
millions of creatures and insects, shoving indigenous tribes of their ancestral homes, so that multinationals can grow palm oil.Millions dying of hunger and thirst, with no food or clean water
to drink, while we in the west are swamped with mountains of food in supermarkets and thousands
of gallons of water flushing away from our showers and car washes.
If we all looked within ourselves and SAW and REALIZED that we are ALL ONE FAMILY
all connected to each other, by the spirit of ALL, we each are brother and sister to each other.
If we realized this TRUTH FULLY even for one measly second, we would all automatically fall
to our knee's in shame, and as it says in certain Scriptures, there would be much weeping and gnashing of our teeth? How on earth can we be truly happy,when millions are dying every year due
to wars, famines, dirty water to drink, diseases, being forced out of your land, by greedy bastards
who want to destroy your land and forest in order to grow palm oil, so we can fry our chips and
burgers more cheaply?
In part two will look further into this.       Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization/

Wednesday 19 June 2019

Connected Unified Force Field Expressing Divinity. C U F F E D Part Two.

The entire relative universe is contained within the infinite field of unified consciousness, that
emanates from within the Absolute Mind of the ABSOLUTE, or God for short.
The unified field along with the "Temporal" relative dual based universe is a cloak thrown out
from the Absolute and within that cloak we all live move and have our being.The absolute equation
that rules the entire physical universe is that motion equals infinite mind, and infinite mind
equals total and absolute connectivity universally present , ubiquitous in nature.
We all see from a very narrow window of understanding reality, wee all see beginnings and
endings, which in absolute reality cannot ever happen because all life which is spirit is eternal and
therefore never begins or ever ends,like us as human beings, we have never had a beginning or
will ever see an ending, because we are all immortal divine spirit. Eternal beings we are all before
Alpha and remain beyond Omega. "I AM" eternal beingness, and that is what we all are.Albert
Einstein knew about this unified field, and he wrote about it often.
We only ever experience relative reality unless we enter into altered states of consciousness in deep
meditation,where we then enter into the eternal abode of deep silence and awesome stillness.
The deeper we go into the silence the less amount of motion is present, until at a certain depth
we leave motion and the relative field that holds this physical universe together,and enter out of
the field altogether, into the void of no-thing and no motion, absolute stillness within the 
The relative universe which exists solely because of the field emanating from within  the Absolute
and is just a backdrop covering that which is absolutely REAL (eternal and unchanging perfection) we therefore perceive two realities one being temporal (here the word temporal actually
spans billions of years) but compared with the eternal it is just a blink of the eye.
We are all magnetically connected to everything within this universe, all mankind is ONE family
joined and linked together by the living life force energy that is basically divine spirit. If you look
beyond the physical shape of the human body, you will perceive formless shapeless intelligent
living vibrant spirit, of which we all truly are when you remove the physical body vehicle/
We all OUR the FIELD and it emanates from very deep within our divine matrix.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Faceboook Soul realization.

Tuesday 18 June 2019

Connected Unified Force Field Expressing Divinity.-C U F F E D .

We all live and move and have our being within a massive delusional framework of false
assumptions based on ignorance of natural universal law. We totally fail to realize that the
whole universe is a totally connected unified field of Absolute Oneness.
Words like separation and apart from the wholeness, are in truth meaningless words that
describe a fantasy that has never arisen in the last thousand billions years!  Separate from what
exactly? Apart from what exactly? Apart from life? Separate from reality? Apart from the universe?
What we are actually apart from is not understanding reality, and living within the delusional
rather than the unified field!
Is it not written in scriptures that "not a sparrow can fall to the ground,without the Father
knowing ? If  then the unified field registers the fall of a humble little sparrow, will it therefore
exclude you from its all enfolding embrace?
We feel alone, lonely and sad,we feel abandoned and washed up onto a frigid shore, cold and
feeling emptiness within us, washed over by the waves of fear that enfold us, rather than loving
arms and friendship.
All these feelings, do indeed feel very real,and they are in the conscious level that you are
dwelling in,but this can all change for you, if you just make the effort to understand that we are
ALL connected to ALL, if you open your heart and your mind and embrace the connection that
you have with the wholeness of eternal life, you will then see all your loneliness and fears melts
away before your newly awakened eyes.
Mankind  is in fact one composite wholeness of self aware souls who are all connected to each
other by an inseparable bond of a divine family.
But because of our ignorance of our true identity we therefore fail to see the truth in our blinkered
eyes , and therefore go to war with our neighbors who are seen to be different from us, therefore
that justifies killing them and robbing all their countries resources, this too breeds greed and lust
for power with ego's brimming with false pride and arrogance.
When mankind finally wakes up from his delusional slumber and recognizes his true eternal nature
then peace will truly reign on Earth.
In part two will delve deeper into this.      Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 17 June 2019

Departing Earth Astral Traveling Home. -D E A T H Part two.

Many of us are filled with dread and fear about the idea of death, we imagine perhaps the
shadowy figure of the Grim Reaper sharpening his glistening scythe, and getting ready to cut
us down and remove us from our life here on Earth.
Because we do not understand what the process of death (change of venue) actually is, we
therefore fear that which we do not understand.
Death as in meaning "total extinction" erased from the universal energy bank,absolute oblivion,
annihilated from existence,is totally and factually untrue, and impossible as well.
The whole idea of death is wrapped up in bullshit generated down through the ages by our
morbid fears of what we just do not understand, this coupled with various religious connotations
as regards going to either heaven (harmony) or hell(disharmony) both of which do not exist as
places of dwelling, and are completely fictitious places non existent  within reality.
The basic reality is that we as this family called mankind, are all eternal spirit absolute in its
unexpressed state, having what could be called a relative experience here on the relative planet
Earth,all LIFE is ETERNAL, it could NOT POSSIBLY be OTHERWISE,we are all principles
held within the main principle, and PRINCIPLES are all IMMUTABLE, eternal reality.
We have all entered into a state of self conscious awareness, the "I AM" principle  is awakened
within all of mankind, its just that so many millions of us, all fail to grasp what this actually means.
It means that you have awakened within you the I AM principle, we all our the I AM principle
immortal eternal souls, all other life is fully ALIVE, but NOT FULLY AWAKE, only mankind
here on Earth is awakened into the "I AM" principle. If you knew who you really were which is
an divine immortal soul,then the idea of death and the fear that accompanies it would vanish
immediately, as dost the mist before the rising sun.
All our fears arise from within our ignorance,seek to dispel your ignorance, go within yourself, find
your true and lasting identity, and as you do that your inner fears will fall away, as though they have never been.
We have all lived and died thousands of times before, because we seem to be very slow learners as
to realizing our true immortal reality, and until we do that through engaging in endless experiences
both here and in our other home the astral realm. The main changes though always happen here
within the Earth plane,in the astral there can be much reflection, but the Earth is the main school
room for embryo souls to gain full consciousness of their indwelling reality.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 16 June 2019

Departing Earth Astral Traveling Home. -D E A T H .

The word death conjures up many images in our minds, fearful thoughts and feeling afraid
of the unknown. Some who have been in intense pain see death as a welcome release,but still
often tinged with fear about what lies ahead,if anything! Some see death as the end of it all,
others see it as a beginning of a new adventure to explore within.
One thing for sure is that none of us are going to get out of this life alive! We are all going to
die, and even if you are the richest person on this planet, you cannot buy another day here on
Earth, when the Grim Reaper is summoned, you are GONE!
What then is the reality and the truth about this phenomena we call death? The first thing we
need to understand is what the word death actually means.
To me the word death means to CHANGE and what changes is your VENUE, you leave Earth
and transit into the astral dimension,where you will remain (fully alive)  until your inner impulse
pulls you back Earthwards, in order for you to receive further understanding of your true
identity, via engaging in numerous experiences.
We are all made of Living Intelligent Focused Energy =LI F E , and science has already discovered
that energy cannot be destroyed ever, It can only be converted or changed into another form of
Well when we die(change venues) we are converted out of our physical body (vehicle) and are
charged and changed into our astral body, and are then forwarded into the astral realm to await
further instructions from your higher self.
It might be helpful to point out the fact that we have always had an astral body, we do not mysteriously acquire this astral body upon the event of death, we are all born with this inner
dimensional body fully intact, in fact we have all been astral traveling thousands of times while
still remaining in physical form, when we sleep at night we leave the physical body there sleeping
and we go on numerous adventures, the astral body is attached to the physical via a silver cord, and
this cord can stretch anywhere universally, no limits on how far you can travel whatsoever. When we
die,(change venues) this silver cord snaps off, and at that moment physical death occurs.
We each have three homes, one here on Earth, one in the astral realm, and one timeless home that
exists within our inner core, where the Divine eternal Self exists.
In part two with explore more about this myth we call DEATH!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 15 June 2019

Meditation Expresses Divinity Igniting Unifying Mankind..-M E D I U M . Part Two.

Meditation is the science of compressing forever into the now, and realizing that inner knowing.
There are many methods of mediating mindfulness and guided meditations are just a couple
that we can chose from.What I have used for the past forty five years is simply just going within
and listening and observing the breath, plus letting go of all arising thoughts and paying no
attention to any thoughts whatsoever, and with practice and single mindedness, all thought will
eventually cease.This is when true meditation begins and the doorway to inner knowing and
wisdom opens up within us.
One of the first things I discovered after a sense of inner peace and quietude had become regular,
was that I was a soul with a body,and NOT a body with a soul, there is a massive difference here.
The first principle (eternal) is the soul. The human body which is just a vehicle for the soul is
not a principle however, and it just rots and falls away as the inner host vacates the vehicle, and
the body dies, we do not die however because we are all immortal divine souls.
We ignite the sacred divine flame of universal life, by going within and making conscious contact
with that divine presence that resides within us all.
When we ignite that inner divine flame, the pathway within becomes illumined with a blue violet
colored light, our journey back to the Source has well and truly begun.
Meditation can also be called the science of loosing your mind, in deep meditation we are
relieved of even the presence of mind and ego, we are in effect "completely out of our minds", this
may sound very negative if not dangerous to anyone who does not understand the science of inner
knowing. We loose our minds and instead find the presence of that divinity that lives within our
inner spiritual awareness.
Meditation is the MEDIUM we use to make and establish conscious contact with the indwelling
SOURCE of all life, that of the immoral divine spirit, which takes on the souls appearance and
uses the soul as a higher vehicle for the indwelling spirit. Instead of going and consulting a physical
medium or psychic as regards spiritual growth and understanding, recognize instead that we each
have our very own inbuilt MEDIUM, which is your higher self the soul, all you need do is to take
up the science of meditation, look within yourself, and make conscious contact with your higher
self, the medium who dwells within each of us all.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 14 June 2019

Meditation Expresses Divinity Igniting Unifying Mankind. -M E D I U M .

To me meditation is the science that ultimately leads to full self knowing and eventual Soul
Realization, provided that we persist on a daily basis and get into the habit of having this
daily meditation. Making it a discipline that we follow, whatever life throws  at us. Persistence
and patience are the watch words here. "expect nothing, and be ready for all" is the attitude
to cultivate I found.
Because we do not really who we are, we therefore assume wrongly that we are just this physical
body, and that's it! Meditation is about exploring the inner world, which when we begin looking
into this vast inner ocean of consciousness, we find that it is endless and also boundless.
When I began meditating over forty years ago, my basic plan was to see if the idea of meditation
could bring me some inner relaxation and hopefully also some peace of mind. I am most grateful
to report that I found far more than I could ever dreamed of, and plus some!
Meditation can also be seen as the science of inner discoveries because it reveals to your
sometimes startled consciousness that you are far more expanded and whole than you had ever imagined before taking up the discipline of meditation  and inner knowing.
Meditation reveals the PRESENCE of an infinite intelligence , firmly within you. The Presence
is within you and every human being , its just that hundreds of millions of us, are completely and
totally unaware of this most basic and fundamental reality.
By taking up the practice of meditation we are unknowingly lighting and igniting the touch paper
that will eventually rocket up into a new and expanded dimension of reality and conscious perception
will will become rocketed into a forth dimension of expanded consciousness and self knowing.
What we see physically expressed as the human body, we will soon realize that all it really is is
that of just being a vehicle so a higher form of life (the immortal soul) can use this vehicle in order
to gather experience. What we see of ourselves physically, is just the very tip of the iceberg that
lies beneath the physical form, nine tenths of our real being is invisible and in another dimension
altogether, all we ever see is the car (vehicle) human being, we NEVER ACTUALLY EVER
In part two will explore this further.        Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 13 June 2019

Strange Attractor Personifies Self.-S A P S Part Two.

The magnetic pull of the life principle operating within the orbit of evolutionaries outworking
plan of expansion of the life principle to the point that it reaches that of the "I AM" consciousness
to become self aware, and self conscious, and to go beyond that into fuller consciousness and
return fully aware to the SOURCE of ALL, that we left billions of years ago.
The strange Attractor in our case is the life principle and its magnetic effect upon us all. This
magnetic effect of the strange attractor could also be seen as that of unconditional love and that
unconditional love is the universal strange attractor to all motioning life within this physical
relative universe.
Before we became self conscious and aware of the "I AM" consciousness, we were buffeted about
by the life principle along a pathway of gradual expansion, but we had no consciousness about our
direction or had any conscious determinism as to where we were going, or had any control of our
trajectory along this path of eventual self-knowing.
Not until the "I AM" self aware consciousness dawned upon our newly awakened mind, did we
dimly began to be aware that we could have a say by our conscious actions, as to the direction
we wanted to go in.
We could then become deterministic into how we encountered experiences  to a small degree.
We then begin to realize that what science has called this phenomena named as the strange
attractor, is in fact from out of what is called the Chaos theory actually bringing about into
full and eventual total realized consciousness from an unconscious mass of formless and shapeless
energy plasma, into a self aware "I AM" conscious intelligent being, called by us as that of
I intuitively feel that what science calls the chaos theory  and the strange attractor that arises from
within this formless and shapeless universal field, is in fact none other that something far simpler
and much more basic and logical in an illogical way? That of unconditional LOVE because if we
look closely at all life and the law of gravity as well, we will find that behind all emotional motion
within this universe, gravity included most certainly, we will therefore find this powerful force which
is totally unstoppable and universally fully embracing all life, is unconditional LOVE.
Warmest regards Michel. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization

Wednesday 12 June 2019

Strange Attractor Personifies Self.-S A P S .

Science has coined the phrase Strange-Attractor , which is within its chaos theory predictions
model.There are many models that each have their own strange attractor . The phenomena will
always "cling" to its attractor . Science uses the object of a ping pong ball dropped into the ocean
the ball will always  cling to its attractor, which in this case is the ocean. The wind may blow it in
any direction but it will never leave its attractors side, unless it gets washed up on a beach
To me evolution of expressed life is the main attractor, and evolution is the attractor in question,
that will bring about change in the life form, shaping it from chaos formlessness into eventually
that of a human being.
As life bumps into other life forms or formlessness its direction is altered and this change of
direction brings in new sets of experiences to be encountered . For billions of years "we" have all
been unconscious energy patterns well entrenched within what science calls a chaotic state, to me
though this "chaotic state" is actually evolution in the motioning phase of its fractal patterning.
Moving formless and shapeless often invisible energy into more dense and lower vibration states
and causing by condensation the solidification of gases into matter  that sets or congeals into
solid matter, like the formation of planets and moons.
We as human beings have been awake (self conscious) less than a second in the vast time scale
of billions of years. We have only just been born into self consciousness a second ago in cosmic
time. And like the ping pong ball that science uses dropped into the ocean, it clings to its attractor
which is the ocean until it gets washed up on some distant shore.
Well the distant shore we have all washed up on is called the birth of the "I AM" consciousness.
Chaos theory and its inbuilt strange attractor is called by science as the science of surprises, and not
always pleasant ones at that.We too can see this reflected in our everyday lives and the experiences
we encounter along this broad highway of life, some of our surprises are indeed pleasant ones, but
also we often get rather nasty and foul tasting surprises as well. All these experiences are evolution
our very own strange attractor guiding us into a fuller understanding of what life actually is, and
more importantly the clear idea that we each are the very embodiment of the life principle itself.
In part two will explore this further.      Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Face book Soul Realization.

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Vortex Opens Your Alignment Gateway Earth Destined. V O Y A G E D Part Two.

Tapering down the vortex spiral we all tumble down into incarnation,and are all held in the
cohesive embrace of the soul/spirit, fixed incarnate mode by the intention consciousness of
the soul, and this is fixed and held at a central point within the crown and heart chakra of the
human vehicle,(us!)
Humanity is a collection of "I AM"s who all think that they are individuals,separate and apart
from other life, which of course we are not either separate or are we individual either. But we
keep this illusion of being individual long enough for us to realize the reality of our true being
then you let the individuality drop like a hot stone from your new found SELF.
The singularity point was in evidence long before it was "invented"by science. Every human
being is a singularity point anchored by intention and held firmly within the illusory relative
universe. A singularity is born when the field of eternal infinite consciousness emerges with
a "I AM" here and awake self consciousness, this "I AM" awakened to know me as an individualized portion of the infinite field of consciousness. This awakening causes a singularity
point to open within the consciousness field, and then the awakened "I AM" is transported from
the Absolute consciousness field of unknowingness, into via a vortex opening into the relative
dualistic natured physical universe, where it then resides in two points of the singularity, one
point split , one point is anchored on the earth plane , the other anchored in the astral plane.
Both these planes of are relative.
Some have been lead to believe in particularly within the Spiritualist movement, that the astral
planes are real and lasting, but this is not the case.The astral planes are also illusory as this
Earth plane. They only exist for as long as you need them to exist,until you finally realize your
true identity. Then they forever disappear from your now awakened consciousness  field of inner
knowing, and fully realizing your spiritual Divinity as ONE within the ALL.
It takes many life times and many experiences before each human being realizes the truth of their
inner eternal nature, so infinite wisdom had decreed that we each have a place to operate in both
being here on earth and the astral plane, that's why the astral is there so that you also have an abode
to dwell in when you die(change venues) on Earth,
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 10 June 2019

Vortex Opens Your Alignment Gateway Earth Destined. V O Y A G E D .

Mankind has been on a voyage for countless aeons, living intelligent energy, but not yet
conscious of itself.Unconsciousness was the norm for all energy(life) which is life until it
reached into the human kingdom, where the birth of self awareness and the "I" AM" was
born. Many thousands  of centuries have come and gone since the "I AM" was born, until
we have all arrived at where we are now.
What most of us don't know and are completely unaware of is that we have all been here
on Earth thousands of times, and getting here is manifested by passing through a vortex
which spirals downwards from within the Astral dimension, and brings us into incarnation.
This vortex works both ways, to incarnate and be born here we spiral downwards in a clockwise
spin, and remain held within this clockwise spin  until the time of our death(change venues)
The downward vortex stops, and immediately an upward vortex opens and draws the life energy
back into the astral realm, where it remains until it incarnates again.
The reason we all go on this "magic roundabout" of incarnation and out of embodiment is for us
to fully know and comprehend who and what we really are. And knowing ourselves is only
obtained by a vast amount of varying experiences encountered and finally understood.
We seem to need many experiences to finally be able to put two and two together and realize
what this actually means? It would seem that most of us are very slow learners at this game of
When we can fully understand  that our physical bodies are just vehicles in which the soul uses
in order to gain purchase here on Earth, and uses the vehicle to gather experiences that will
ultimately lead to full self knowing. The soul has to be within the physical vehicle for this
consciousness connection to be made while  within physical incarnation, this is an important
part in the spiritual enigma of full SELF-KNOWING, that the full and final connection must
be made upon the earth and whilst in full incarnation mode.
We are all indeed very fortunate to be in this age of mass media coverage and the internet,which
is chock full of useful information about how to know your true and lasting identity, this blog
also may make a minor inroad into this realization
In part two will look more into this.     Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 9 June 2019

Reality is Powerful Pulsating Living Energy Divined. R I P P L E D . Part Two.

Within the ripple lies the very heart of Mankind, fashioned by that Primal thought wave, that
issued forth from within the Absolute Infinite mind, and rippled out into a virginal universe
flowing and rippling filling the void with the ocean of the first cause thought wave energy.
Which continues to spread billions of years after that first CAUSE thought wave.
The eternal fixed state within the Absolute Infinite Being, is absolute silence and absolute
motionlessness,motion can only exist by manifesting a thought wave, an INTENTION to
stir/ripple/pulsate/vibrate/ which then immediately arise simultaneously as the intention or
thought wave arises within that Infinite Mind of the Absolute. All universal motion was born
the exact moment the primal thought intention arose within that infinite mind.Motion cannot
exist without a primal intention to power eternal stillness into motion.
Humanity is basically the condensation of pure absolute Spirit vastly steeped down from its
natural high estate, and could not possibly exist within this dank dark heavy slow sluggish
state, without it being cloaked by several layers or vehicles that protect it from the the
impurities of relativity and the appearance of gross matter, matter and spirit cannot mix,
much like oil and water.
We as vibrating rippling human beings are the most dense vehicle that the soul/spirit inhabit
and use in order to experience expressed life within a dense atmospheric plane which is dual
by its nature, and is ruled by the relative law of opposites.
The inner spirit is contained within several layers of vehicles, our human body is the most gross
and lowest vibration rate, around our physical body we have the ethereal body which is our health
body, and any illness or disease first shows up in the ethereal body,which encircles the physical
body with an electric blue flame, any illness shows as a dark patch within the ethereal matrix before
it is then transmitted into the physical body.Beyond the ethereal body we then have the astral body
which is composed of much higher vibrations atoms than the dense physical atoms that ripple through
us all in their countless trillions.
We all are in essence rippling vibrating living informed life, informed by our various bodies of expression , the physical body being the lowest expression. Life in its purest form is formless and
shapeless, spirit is what we all really are, which is eternal and formless life, absolute intelligence.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook. Soul Realization.

Saturday 8 June 2019

Reality Is Powerful Pulsating Living Energy Divined.-R I P P L E D .

What is reality,and what is its nature? This question has been asked thousands of times over
many past centuries, philosophers have argued this question, along with the other question, what is
As conscious beings, self aware and self conscious, we all are within the very matrix of expressed
reality, and how does this reality matrix actually present itself to us all? Well basically it presents
itself to us in ripples, that vibrate at light speed,so fast that we fail to perceive any motion at all.
All expressed life pulsates throbs at a very rapid vibration , it trills and ripples out from a central
singularity point within its primal matrix.
We as human beings look solid looking and very stable in shape and form, but this "apparent
stability" is in fact an illusion. We in truth wink in and out of phenomenal existence at the rate
of 1044 times per second, flashing in and out of phenomenal reality, but to our dull sluggish sense
of perception, we always SEEM to be stable and solidly formed.
Reality as it presents itself to us all, can be seen as a pulsating ripples of living energy,powered  by
the inherit divinity that is the primal first cause of all motion that exists universally.
Reality comprises of just two basic states, which equate to our level of consciousness as that of
being either On or OFF, when it is ON then "MOTION IS BORN" and the primal effect of any
motion is vibratory rippling, this is then the effect of reality becoming expressed as MOTION.
Reality can also be OFF, and when that is the case, there is absolute motionlessness, zero vibration,
zero ripples, it is then in a state of absolute potentiality totally unrealized.
Reality simply is expressed (motioned) living energy which at its core is Absolute Source which
is SPIRIT-CONSCIOUSNESS (in truth there is no other form of consciousness!) the Source then
condenses into what we wrongly perceive as different forms of life or energy, and when we exit at
stage left here upon this ping pong ball called Earth, we imagine all number of things as to what
and who we really are.
The very simple and most basic answer to the question of who am I? Is that you are REALITY at
this point in your expression into phenomenal reality formed into what is commonly called a human
being! We are all the very embodiment of reality, (how could you possibly be anything else?)
We make the most fundamental mistake of looking for reality as being OUT THERE, when in truth
reality is to be found within your living matrix, which you call yourself!
In part two will explore this further. Warmest regards Michael. anny feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 7 June 2019

Is Consciousness Energy Raised Superbly? -I C E R S Part Two.

If we go back to the very beginning into the place of the BEFORE, motion was none existent
all was Absolute and completely motionlessness. Then a thought arose within the Absolute mind
and with the birth of the primal thought wave, motion was born out from the stillness.
From this primal thought wave a FORCE was motioned into action, and this force was moved
by the Spirit of thought and became motion-consciousness, which then filled the void with
itself and heralding in a birth of a relative duality based universe.
First came the IDEA within infinite mind, Spirit was the first CAUSE. Then came consciousness
and then consciousness condensed into what we now call energy. Spirit condensed into
consciousness which equates with motion arising from within absolute stillness, then
consciousness condensed into energy, and then energy condensed into all the other forces that
we now recognize.
If we look at mankind for instance, we can clearly see the gradual condensation from pure
absolute spirit, motionless and forever still, down through the levels of expression which are really
just varying levels of condensations until you reach this rather low level heavy sluggish state where
all the vaporous energies have congealed and set into a rather semi solid state that we call mankind.
The Biblical injunction "Be still and know that I AM God" is a very clear and accurate statement
of a very real and absolute truth. In meditation and in yoga we are asked to still the mind, cease all
thinking, become very still and silent within, the reason for this injunction is very clear, because by
becoming very still within, we are actually then touching the very SOURCE of our being.
This inner quietude can be also linked into the story from the Bible where a woman reached out
and touched the HEM of the garment that Jesus was wearing as he passed by, and he exclaimed
that he felt virtue leave his body, and the woman was healed. In order for us to touch the reality
of what we really are, we need to go within ourselves, become still in mind, body, and thought,
we we do that our lower part reaches upward and our higher part reaches downward, and when they
actually TOUCH then that is the equivalent of touching the hem of the masters garment, the master
in question is your very own divine immortal soul. A when this occurs inner healing takes place.
warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 6 June 2019

Is Consciousness Energy Raised Superbly ? -I C E R S .

Is there really any difference between consciousness and energy? Has motion got anything to do
with this equation? Does it not seem that consciousness and energy are forever in motion, whilst
awareness seems to be always still,motion ceased by awareness focusing?
Science informs us that all is energy, and that energy is all, and what's more science says that
energy cannot ever be destroyed only converted into something else on another level of vibration.
That makes energy to be an eternal reality, not much different then from the belief in GOD????
So where does consciousness enter into this equation? It would seem that as reality always points
to just one absolute force or Higher Power, than we can only assume that both consciousness and
energy are one of the same thing. Perhaps at denser lower levels of vibration we could see this as
energy manifesting, and at higher levels of vibration we could perceive this as consciousness, but
in truth it would seem that they are both the very same thing.
What then of other words we use to describe forces such as, spirit, soul,light,love,? If we look at
what seems to be an absolute universal constant, which is there is but ONE POWER in the
universe and that one power is ABSOLUTE.
What can we possibly conclude from this universal pointer of ONE POWER ONLY? Is it
not written in the Scriptures somewhere that God is said to have said, "That ALL NAMES
It seems to me that from the Absolute one power, there flowed out from absoluteness into
a manifested universe emanated from within the absolute infinite power to what we now call
a relative duality based temporal universe, and therefore like a mighty river flowing out from
its absolute infinite source, it has manifested many tributaries that appear to our limited
understanding as being different forces of nature, but in reality they are all the very same thing
much like the tributaries of the river Amazon , called by different names but all still full of
the same thing, that of water!
Concluding this part one of ICERS it would seem indeed that consciousness  is raised superbly
into a more fluid state that flows into our minds as thoughts, thoughts do seem to flow much
like that of a river, a river of life perhaps!
In part two will look more into this.         Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization..   

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Seer Is The Seen. -S I T S Part Two.

The observer and the observed are in reality the same thing, there is no distinction between
as there is only one thing present, and that is the life presence, which is universal and ubiquitous.
\the seer, the seen, and the seeing are all the same thing.You are an infinite ocean looking into
your formless form of absolute allness, which is nothing and all simultaneously.
Awareness is unchanging and ever present, while all changing phenomena arise within
unchanging awareness. The sense of "I" identifies itself with awareness, as a result of three
factors,1)the movement of the mind within awareness,2)the movement of thought within the
mind, and 3)ignorance of awareness as the underlying essence.
When awareness is realized to be underlying reality, behind all states, the world of objects are
realized as to be merely reflections of awareness.
To know who we really are is to fully understand that the person you have been living with all
your life,is not who you really are, quite the contrary YOU are in truth just a vehicle,much like
the car you own at the front of your house, the only difference between the two vehicles is that
one is made out of metal and rubber, and you are made out of flesh and bone!
When we can fully realize that our physical bodies marvelous as it is,is just a vehicle for the
indwelling soul/spirit, and nothing more than that.
We can then begin to relate to the seer who dwells deeply within us all. A seer who sees all things as
one primary thing, that of  a eternal LIFE-FORCE, which takes all manner of shapes and formlessness but in essence all life is exactly the same THING-LIFE-SPIRIT/SOUL-SELF.
We look but we do not really SEE, we touch but we do not really FEEL,we are whole, but we feel
fragmented,we hear but do not really listen,we think but fail to know.we live and are afraid of death.
if we knew ourselves this fear would vanish overnight.
To become ourselves, we need to go within and explore that infinite universe that lies within us
and to consider that any reality cannot ever been seen with mortal eyes,what we all see is the
illusion of the real, anything that we can see, is only EVER the outer shape of an invisible inner
reality, we only ever see the surface tension and never the ocean of life that is invisible to our
mortal eyes.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 4 June 2019

Seer Is The Seen.-S I T S

Distortion plays a massive role in our everyday lives, what we see,feel and hear is often distorted
from what it really is.We live in a relative mind set within an absolute backdrop of unchanging
reality. The seer and the seeing and the seen are in reality all the same thing. Objects do not appear
in space, rather space appears as objects? We are the seer,the seen, and the seeing all simultaneously
yet we never seem to realize this subtle truth.
In the higher states of Samadhi (unification of mind, to collect,or bring together) where our
consciousness becomes one pointed and totally absorbed within itself,we then loose all distortion
and distinctions, we understand with a process occurring that we are truly the seer, the seen, and
the seeing we are totally unified within the oneness of the WHOLE.
No distinctions, no distortions, no otherness, no nothing. We are at one within the ALLNESS
of BEING which just IS.( The IS is just a symbol that represents that which is totally
When we talk of I see this and that, who is this "I" that is seeing?What is its nature,and where is its
When we can fully answer and understand these questions, we will be embarking on a journey
that will leave all distinctions distortions, and differences far far behind us.
We will then see and realize the reality that lies beneath all formalized shapes and expressions
of the invisible life force.
We see differences with relative eyes,while the eyes of the inner indwelling soul sees with the
knowing of the real, all distinctions, names, distortions,only "SEEM" to EXIST as we look at
what we think are different "THINGS"with our relative distorted viewpoint.
In fact science now knows that all that is within the universe is made of just one thing,and that one
thing is called by science that of ENERGY. The only difference with any-thing is its vibration speed
and how fast it oscillates, if it appears as lead in will be a much slower vibration than that of a
humming bird, which will have a very rapid vibration rate. But the point to remember is that in essence the lead and the bird are of the same SOURCE as it is the ONLY SOURCE of ALL that
In part two will explore this further.        Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 3 June 2019

Now Is Mankind Becoming Universal Soul/Spirit. -N I M B U S Part Two.

The limitless cloud of inner knowing lies within the matrix of the nimbus, where is the nimbus
you may well ask? What is its location? The nimbus of inner knowing is basically ubiquitous
in its nature. Consciousness is the universal nimbus, which is the cloud of all knowing, and all
wisdom lie within its coreless core.
We as human beings are all anchored into the physical vehicle, and are self aware points of
localized consciousness. The birth of the "I AM" consciousness, by the nature of its being
self aware and has the presence of the "I" centered knowing, actually localizes the universal
field of luminous energy,which is consciousness universal and also the nimbus when localized
within a form of expression like our physical body.
Because Of our "I AM" consciousness mainly centered on the physical body as being the "I AM"
presence, we never fully discover who we really are, and therefore seldom if ever disturb the
luminous clouds of our inner nimbus that dwells unseen within us all.
Not until we can ascend our level  of awareness to even just wonder if there is more to us than
just this physical shell of a vehicle, will we be able to make any progress into our levels of
consciousness and inner awareness.
Billowing clouds of the luminous ether, the localized nimbus cascade invisibly all around us all
some dark murky colors of a severely depressed person, or bright golden sunshine from
someone  who is very happy and blissful.
This action and cascading of energy is largely unnoticed by us all, because we are not yet awake
to the reality of our true and eternal being.We all our beings of an inner light, that is bursting to
flash through our flesh and reveal our inner radiance to all of our extended family here on Earth.
If any of you reading this today, I hope that you will at least consider its content with an open
mind, all our ascension into greater levels of energy and consciousness expansion depends on
each of us to do our bit, to contribute to the whole process of ascension,I am doing my small
bit hopefully trying to gain your attention so that you too can awaken into a much fuller and much
more comprehensive  understanding of reality, and whom you really are.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 2 June 2019

Now Is Mankind Becoming Universal Soul/Spirit. -N I M B U S .

Mankind is now firmly set upon the path of ascension, we are all gradually being raised into
higher levels of consciousness and perceptive awareness. One by one we are all ascending,
some are just ascending faster than others, as many of us are unwilling to let go of our old
ideas and ways of thinking and acting,we are often too stubborn and set in our ways. But
gradually all our resistance will be worn down by our facing very difficult and challenging
experiences,which will herald in a new way of looking at things in our individual lives.
All of humanity has a nimbus a glowing cloud of radiation that emanates from the divinity
that is within the matrix of us all.
The saint and the sinner  all have a nimbus, its just that with some it rises to the surface and
they become literally self-luminous, while others it remains hidden away by negative thoughts
and behaviors.
We are ALL beings of LIGHT (Light-Is Gods-Holy-Thought)=LIGHT all life is self radiant
and has an inner divine glow to it, and we are no exception to this universal role of expression.
We need always remember that the ancient occult maxim which states that "Thoughts are things"
and the divine thoughts of the Absolute Being have duly resulted in what we all commonly call
expressed Life.
There is a divine cloud of knowable things a cloud of divine wisdom that lies within the matrix
of every human being. All we need to do in order to access and make contact with this divine
cloud of knowable things is to go within ourselves, with the practice of meditation or yoga, and
then we will make contact with this inner matrix, and our consciousness will then expand into
contact with this fountain of all wisdom the nimbus of a universal bounty, that is beyond our
normal level of comprehension. It only becomes understood when we are fully immersed within
its living waters of luminous liquid life. A cleansing cloud  of radiant knowing.
We all live and move and have our being within an ocean of light, which translates into what we
often call consciousness or energy, the entire universe is a nimbus of radiant light, and we as beings
of super compressed light/energy are all beacons of this inner radiance which glows and gives of
a visible light when it reaches the surface of the being, the halo and the nimbus are all part of
humanities inner light, that now needs to come to the surface and shine!
In part two will explore this further.       Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 1 June 2019

Reality Holds You To Harmonic Momentum-R H Y T H M . Part Two.

Harmonic resonance is sadly lacking on this planet we all call home. Instead of a beautiful
harmonic melody playing across the globe, we have instead the rape of the land , along with
endless wars and pestilence coupled with famine and starvation and dying of lack of any clean
water to drink. Instead of a melody of cooperation love and helpfulness, we instead have ego
driven greed, multinationals causing the massive rape of virgin jungle in order to grow palm oil
products, and killing millions of little creatures and animals in the doing, making the Borneo
Orangutan almost extinct in the wild, they are being rescued and placed in sanctuaries which
is better than dying out as a specious , but far from ideal, as they become tame and are hand fed.
We all have a responsibility for the state of this planet, the question is what if anything are we
prepared to do about it?
If billions of us all suddenly stopped buying and using any palm oil products, this would make
a massive difference in the reduction of virgin forests being hacked down, because once the
multinationals started loosing millions of dollars in sales, and there stock holders started
complaining about less money being paid into their already bloated bank accounts, we would
very soon see less land being grabbed for palm oil. Also what we are never told in that
indigenous  local tribes are pushed out of their  ancestral homes and forced to live in squalid
make-shift  homes, so that the multinationals can destroy their homeland for poxy  oil palms.
Any real change must begin with us first, am I in harmony with life's melody? If not the what
are we going to do about it? Sadly many of us will never change until we become "sick and
tired, of being sick and tired." When we have faced our seventh major crisis, (if we live that
long) we then are open to examine the need to change our life style and habits  that has beaten
us to our knees  by pain and anguish.
The great universal OM that beats through all expressed life, it is the musical note that all life
dances to,the biggest problem we all face is our own ignorance of not only knowing nothing
about the real identity that dwells within all humanity, and also not knowing anything about
the RHYTHM of expressed life, which is in essence a musical tone. When we are aligned with
universal harmonics, then we are healthy happy and joyful.When not aligned we become sick
and depressed.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.