Saturday 22 June 2019

That Which Is Seen Truthfully Is Not Genuine. T W I S T I N G .

Mankind has never ever laid eyes on reality, and never will do as long as he remains human
and encased within a physical shell called the human vehicle body.
What mankind has only ever seen since his inception into self consciousness has all been an
illusion.Because whatever we witness or see is only ever outer form of an invisible inner
reality. Science has never seen reality, because it is always invisible.
Science only knows of its existence  by the inference of its effects on fluid and solid looking
matter.Science can only assume and surmise of realities existence by its deductions and effects
on matter and wave motion.
We as human beings are all the very embodiment of reality, if it were not so,we would all
vanish instantly, but the outer appearance of our physical body, is not reality, it is but a mere
SHADOW concealing the true inner light that dwells therein.
The inner indwelling invisible reality which in our case is the indwelling Soul, which is
unchanging and absolute at its core. The truth about reality  is that unless it is an eternal
principle, then it is not reality,but rather a phenomenal appearance of relativity which is the
shadow of the inner light hidden within its matrix.
Mankind is basically seven and  half billion shadows which all hide the inner light, which
is embedded within the matrix of every human form.
On the surface of our being, we are all relative, and the human body is NOT A PRINCIPLE
and therefore rots and decays, only our inner spirit/soul is a principle (thereby be absolutely
real) our outer body is what could be termed as that of being relatively real, while our inner
being is that of being absolutely eternally real.
When we die(change venues) and enter into the astral realm, it is as well to remember that even
this higher vibrational state of being, is still only relatively real, and not absolutely real, because
within the astral states of being CHANGES STILL OCCUR, and therefore whenever you have
change occurring it implies very clearly that this is a temporal relative state, and therefore is not
perfect and completely WHOLE! The astral planes are really holding states  where we stay and rest
until we return back here to Earth, to continue our education into the reality of you true and lasting
Warmest regards Michael.    In part two will explore this further. any feed back welcomed  Facebook Soul Realization.

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