Friday 14 June 2019

Meditation Expresses Divinity Igniting Unifying Mankind. -M E D I U M .

To me meditation is the science that ultimately leads to full self knowing and eventual Soul
Realization, provided that we persist on a daily basis and get into the habit of having this
daily meditation. Making it a discipline that we follow, whatever life throws  at us. Persistence
and patience are the watch words here. "expect nothing, and be ready for all" is the attitude
to cultivate I found.
Because we do not really who we are, we therefore assume wrongly that we are just this physical
body, and that's it! Meditation is about exploring the inner world, which when we begin looking
into this vast inner ocean of consciousness, we find that it is endless and also boundless.
When I began meditating over forty years ago, my basic plan was to see if the idea of meditation
could bring me some inner relaxation and hopefully also some peace of mind. I am most grateful
to report that I found far more than I could ever dreamed of, and plus some!
Meditation can also be seen as the science of inner discoveries because it reveals to your
sometimes startled consciousness that you are far more expanded and whole than you had ever imagined before taking up the discipline of meditation  and inner knowing.
Meditation reveals the PRESENCE of an infinite intelligence , firmly within you. The Presence
is within you and every human being , its just that hundreds of millions of us, are completely and
totally unaware of this most basic and fundamental reality.
By taking up the practice of meditation we are unknowingly lighting and igniting the touch paper
that will eventually rocket up into a new and expanded dimension of reality and conscious perception
will will become rocketed into a forth dimension of expanded consciousness and self knowing.
What we see physically expressed as the human body, we will soon realize that all it really is is
that of just being a vehicle so a higher form of life (the immortal soul) can use this vehicle in order
to gather experience. What we see of ourselves physically, is just the very tip of the iceberg that
lies beneath the physical form, nine tenths of our real being is invisible and in another dimension
altogether, all we ever see is the car (vehicle) human being, we NEVER ACTUALLY EVER
In part two will explore this further.        Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

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