Wednesday 19 June 2019

Connected Unified Force Field Expressing Divinity. C U F F E D Part Two.

The entire relative universe is contained within the infinite field of unified consciousness, that
emanates from within the Absolute Mind of the ABSOLUTE, or God for short.
The unified field along with the "Temporal" relative dual based universe is a cloak thrown out
from the Absolute and within that cloak we all live move and have our being.The absolute equation
that rules the entire physical universe is that motion equals infinite mind, and infinite mind
equals total and absolute connectivity universally present , ubiquitous in nature.
We all see from a very narrow window of understanding reality, wee all see beginnings and
endings, which in absolute reality cannot ever happen because all life which is spirit is eternal and
therefore never begins or ever ends,like us as human beings, we have never had a beginning or
will ever see an ending, because we are all immortal divine spirit. Eternal beings we are all before
Alpha and remain beyond Omega. "I AM" eternal beingness, and that is what we all are.Albert
Einstein knew about this unified field, and he wrote about it often.
We only ever experience relative reality unless we enter into altered states of consciousness in deep
meditation,where we then enter into the eternal abode of deep silence and awesome stillness.
The deeper we go into the silence the less amount of motion is present, until at a certain depth
we leave motion and the relative field that holds this physical universe together,and enter out of
the field altogether, into the void of no-thing and no motion, absolute stillness within the 
The relative universe which exists solely because of the field emanating from within  the Absolute
and is just a backdrop covering that which is absolutely REAL (eternal and unchanging perfection) we therefore perceive two realities one being temporal (here the word temporal actually
spans billions of years) but compared with the eternal it is just a blink of the eye.
We are all magnetically connected to everything within this universe, all mankind is ONE family
joined and linked together by the living life force energy that is basically divine spirit. If you look
beyond the physical shape of the human body, you will perceive formless shapeless intelligent
living vibrant spirit, of which we all truly are when you remove the physical body vehicle/
We all OUR the FIELD and it emanates from very deep within our divine matrix.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Faceboook Soul realization.

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