Saturday 29 June 2019

Delve Into Self Seek Every Clue Thoughtfully.-D I S S E C T Part Two.

To dissect suggests a searching analysis of who we really are, beneath this facade of physical
form. To look within ourselves and search for the root or our true being.To delve, to seek, search
out every clue that might lead us to a full understanding of our true and lasting heritage.
If we are happy and content with our everyday life, we will not be too keen on looking within
ourselves, why should we bother with that? If I am happy and content , this is enough for me!
Many of us are like this, so the idea of soul searching and looking within, will have no real
attraction for them.
Their time for looking within has not yet arrived, it will eventually, but not today, maybe in
the next lifetime.
For those of us who are not happy and content with our life, and have endured some crisis
that has caused us pain and heartache,those of us who find our backs up against the wall, with
with nowhere else to turn, then we are open to searching within ourselves . Often we will not
look within ourselves unless we are almost literally forced into it, by the pain and anguish that
we have suffered.
There are a growing few, who have chosen to look within themselves, because they have a
yearning to know more about life and why we are all here. These ones take up meditation
and yoga without there being any need for an arising crisis to force them into it, they instead
naturally feel inclined to search out for the meaning to life, by going within themselves.
We we start asking questions about what's the point of life? And what is the reason for us
being here? We have then begun the process  that will ultimately lead us into a full realisation
of our true eternal and everlasting heritage.
We start of by asking questions about ourselves, why and how, we start the inspection process
looking at our motives and our thinking processes, we then more onto the dissection process
where we look very carefully  into our being, looking deeper into the dark depths of our souls
journeys through many lifetimes.This eventually leads to a new dawning that begins flooding
into your consciousness, this luminous down flow will lift your awareness into a point of
realisation that will astound you by its intensity and awesome presence, you will then be at the
final approach of your gross physical being, and will then become resurrected into a Lighted Body
which is the ultimate destiny of all mankind, although it will take many more lifetimes for most
of us to reach that exalted state of being. this is just a pointer of what lies ahead for us all.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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