Tuesday 11 June 2019

Vortex Opens Your Alignment Gateway Earth Destined. V O Y A G E D Part Two.

Tapering down the vortex spiral we all tumble down into incarnation,and are all held in the
cohesive embrace of the soul/spirit, fixed incarnate mode by the intention consciousness of
the soul, and this is fixed and held at a central point within the crown and heart chakra of the
human vehicle,(us!)
Humanity is a collection of "I AM"s who all think that they are individuals,separate and apart
from other life, which of course we are not either separate or are we individual either. But we
keep this illusion of being individual long enough for us to realize the reality of our true being
then you let the individuality drop like a hot stone from your new found SELF.
The singularity point was in evidence long before it was "invented"by science. Every human
being is a singularity point anchored by intention and held firmly within the illusory relative
universe. A singularity is born when the field of eternal infinite consciousness emerges with
a "I AM" here and awake self consciousness, this "I AM" awakened to know me as an individualized portion of the infinite field of consciousness. This awakening causes a singularity
point to open within the consciousness field, and then the awakened "I AM" is transported from
the Absolute consciousness field of unknowingness, into via a vortex opening into the relative
dualistic natured physical universe, where it then resides in two points of the singularity, one
point split , one point is anchored on the earth plane , the other anchored in the astral plane.
Both these planes of are relative.
Some have been lead to believe in particularly within the Spiritualist movement, that the astral
planes are real and lasting, but this is not the case.The astral planes are also illusory as this
Earth plane. They only exist for as long as you need them to exist,until you finally realize your
true identity. Then they forever disappear from your now awakened consciousness  field of inner
knowing, and fully realizing your spiritual Divinity as ONE within the ALL.
It takes many life times and many experiences before each human being realizes the truth of their
inner eternal nature, so infinite wisdom had decreed that we each have a place to operate in both
being here on earth and the astral plane, that's why the astral is there so that you also have an abode
to dwell in when you die(change venues) on Earth,
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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