Friday 7 June 2019

Is Consciousness Energy Raised Superbly? -I C E R S Part Two.

If we go back to the very beginning into the place of the BEFORE, motion was none existent
all was Absolute and completely motionlessness. Then a thought arose within the Absolute mind
and with the birth of the primal thought wave, motion was born out from the stillness.
From this primal thought wave a FORCE was motioned into action, and this force was moved
by the Spirit of thought and became motion-consciousness, which then filled the void with
itself and heralding in a birth of a relative duality based universe.
First came the IDEA within infinite mind, Spirit was the first CAUSE. Then came consciousness
and then consciousness condensed into what we now call energy. Spirit condensed into
consciousness which equates with motion arising from within absolute stillness, then
consciousness condensed into energy, and then energy condensed into all the other forces that
we now recognize.
If we look at mankind for instance, we can clearly see the gradual condensation from pure
absolute spirit, motionless and forever still, down through the levels of expression which are really
just varying levels of condensations until you reach this rather low level heavy sluggish state where
all the vaporous energies have congealed and set into a rather semi solid state that we call mankind.
The Biblical injunction "Be still and know that I AM God" is a very clear and accurate statement
of a very real and absolute truth. In meditation and in yoga we are asked to still the mind, cease all
thinking, become very still and silent within, the reason for this injunction is very clear, because by
becoming very still within, we are actually then touching the very SOURCE of our being.
This inner quietude can be also linked into the story from the Bible where a woman reached out
and touched the HEM of the garment that Jesus was wearing as he passed by, and he exclaimed
that he felt virtue leave his body, and the woman was healed. In order for us to touch the reality
of what we really are, we need to go within ourselves, become still in mind, body, and thought,
we we do that our lower part reaches upward and our higher part reaches downward, and when they
actually TOUCH then that is the equivalent of touching the hem of the masters garment, the master
in question is your very own divine immortal soul. A when this occurs inner healing takes place.
warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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