Sunday 9 June 2019

Reality is Powerful Pulsating Living Energy Divined. R I P P L E D . Part Two.

Within the ripple lies the very heart of Mankind, fashioned by that Primal thought wave, that
issued forth from within the Absolute Infinite mind, and rippled out into a virginal universe
flowing and rippling filling the void with the ocean of the first cause thought wave energy.
Which continues to spread billions of years after that first CAUSE thought wave.
The eternal fixed state within the Absolute Infinite Being, is absolute silence and absolute
motionlessness,motion can only exist by manifesting a thought wave, an INTENTION to
stir/ripple/pulsate/vibrate/ which then immediately arise simultaneously as the intention or
thought wave arises within that Infinite Mind of the Absolute. All universal motion was born
the exact moment the primal thought intention arose within that infinite mind.Motion cannot
exist without a primal intention to power eternal stillness into motion.
Humanity is basically the condensation of pure absolute Spirit vastly steeped down from its
natural high estate, and could not possibly exist within this dank dark heavy slow sluggish
state, without it being cloaked by several layers or vehicles that protect it from the the
impurities of relativity and the appearance of gross matter, matter and spirit cannot mix,
much like oil and water.
We as vibrating rippling human beings are the most dense vehicle that the soul/spirit inhabit
and use in order to experience expressed life within a dense atmospheric plane which is dual
by its nature, and is ruled by the relative law of opposites.
The inner spirit is contained within several layers of vehicles, our human body is the most gross
and lowest vibration rate, around our physical body we have the ethereal body which is our health
body, and any illness or disease first shows up in the ethereal body,which encircles the physical
body with an electric blue flame, any illness shows as a dark patch within the ethereal matrix before
it is then transmitted into the physical body.Beyond the ethereal body we then have the astral body
which is composed of much higher vibrations atoms than the dense physical atoms that ripple through
us all in their countless trillions.
We all are in essence rippling vibrating living informed life, informed by our various bodies of expression , the physical body being the lowest expression. Life in its purest form is formless and
shapeless, spirit is what we all really are, which is eternal and formless life, absolute intelligence.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook. Soul Realization.

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