Sunday 23 June 2019

That Which Is Seen Truthfully Is Not Genuine. T W I S T I N G . Part Two.

Distortion confronts mankind on every level of his every day experiences. We only ever see
that which is relatively real, and never experience that which is absolutely real. We all wear
many masks and show these masked faces to our fellows,how many of us have ever seen another
with all their masks dropped, and just standing there naked before you?
All our ideas of reality are based solely on relativity, and are therefore at best temporally real
but not ever absolutely real. Our ideas of reality change like the weather,whereas absolute reality
can and never does change, the reason for this is that all absolute reality is also absolute perfection
and therefore never needs UPDATING, unlike our computers and laptops.
Perfection can never have any need for updating or anything added to it, or taken away from it
it remains perfect for eternity.
At the central core of all humanity lies that divine perfection, we are at that absolute level perfect
spiritual souls, but way down at our periphery physical level of being, the physical level of
expression, due to the ignorant factors built into its evolving matrix, that part of us remains
relative and temporal, until we make that final transformation and realize our true inner divine
Then we will have been transformed from the relative physical gross body, into a beautiful
radiant being.That is all our true nature , when all the ignorance and misconceptions are fully
reconciled within our consciousness, and then we make the quantum jump into the lighted
body, which at the moment is hidden away, by your gross physical body.
All the processes that we evolve through over billions of years are all experiences that finally
enable you to achieve self aware consciousness, the"I AM" awake perception. As a baker kneads
the dough to make a perfect loaf, so to we all need vast amounts of experiences to finally knead
us into and onto the portal that leads to our Divine Perfection, this is exposed within us, when all
the ignorance and dross is let go of, and we then leave the land  of many shadows, and step into
the light or absolute reality. We are transformed slowly over many lifetimes, then the process begins
to gradually gain momentum, this eventually leads to the next stage of transforming into a higher
state of transforming which is called transfiguring, this is the process that reveals the inner light
of the soul.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization/

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