Friday 21 June 2019

Heaven Exists Within Self/Spirit/Soul. H E W S Part Two.

To coin a colloquial phase, we are all "chips of the same block",the old block in question is the
Source of which all life springs from, that of the Absolute Infinite Mind of the Absolute.
All life is HEWN from the ONE TREE from whence all life arises, the Tree of life which is
the SOURCE of all reality.
All life expressed, wherever it is within this universe is fully and totally connected to its
Source, and we here on Earth are no exception to this universal rule of expressed life force.
As mentioned in yesterdays blog, the word Heaven is not a place of residence somewhere
"up there" in the sky, heaven actually means harmony and inner peace of mind and body.
We are literally in heaven when we are in that state of inner quietude and bodily relaxation,
peace of mind and inner serenity. Any one of us can be in heaven today if we put our minds
to it, it is as simple as that! How many of us though actually achieve this?
At the core of our central matrix we are ALL the Absolute  SELF Spirit, the ONE without
another, then as our expression of life expands we take on the "FORM" (shape of the vehicle)
the physical body, and this physical body is animated by the indwelling Soul. At no time ever
are we ever disconnected from the SOURCE of all LIFE, as this is totally impossible and can
never occur. We can then if we realize this TRUTH for TRUTH it most certainly is,we can take
comfort in that realization that we are never ever left alone or abandoned by the SOURCE.
It might well FEEL that WAY at times, but these feelings arise from within us all,because of
our basic ignorance of who and what we really are.If we can but accept that we are ALL an
integral part of ONE COMPOSITE WHOLE, loved unconditionally by the SOURCE and
totally accepted by the source, whatever you have ever done or not done in your life. We
only feel desolate and utterly alone, because of our ignorance, remove your ignorance, which
equates directly to darkness, and therefore step into the light of true knowledge as to who you
really are, and that is an immortal divine soul, and being immortal means that you have NEVER
had a BEGINNING, or will YOU EVER EXPERIENCE an ENDING, such is the lie that so many
of us have bought into, due to our lack of inner wisdom and knowledge of what reality actually is.
Dying or death are just illusions, your physical rots and decays when you leave certainly, BUT
YOU dear reader of this blog today, are NOT the physical body, you are a divine SOUL>
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

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