Friday 28 June 2019

Delve Into Self Seek Every Clue Thoughtfully. -D I S S E C T . .

By taking up the practice of either meditation or yoga, we are then looking within ourselves
for the answers to many questions that arise within our minds, questions like who am I really?
What if any is the point of our life? Is there life after death? Some have even questioned is
there really life after birth, or is it all a dream? And what is death precisely? Many questions
that arise within us all, all these questions are seeking answers.
When we can realise that we are all the very embodiment of reality, truth walking on two legs!
We can then see clearly that to reveal this reality into our aware consciousness state,we need to
ask these questions to ourselves, and then meditate and wait for answers to"float into our minds"
when we begin to tap into that inner intuition, that inner still small voice that flashes insights
into our quieted mind, when this intuitive response begins to become activated by our inner
seeking, we are then well on our way to solving all the questions you may well have.
The mystery and the enigma  of what life actually is, and therefore what is reality? is in
fact hidden from us all in plain sight,we all fail to fully realise that we as this thing called
Humanity, are all the very embodiment of that which we SEEK! All we need to do is to
look inside yourself for the answer.
All truth, all reality, lies within your inner matrix, and that inner matrix is fully connected and
interconnected with every other point within the entire universe, and beyond?
The more we know and fully understand who we truly are, the more we will know and understand
everything else as well.The equation goes like this, the deeper you understand your own reality
in direct proportion will you then understand reality and inner truth.
We all have many life time experiences in this place of Earth, sometimes called the veil of tears
in each lifetime hopefully, by the experiences we experience we begin to see a pattern and begin
to recognise certain traits within ourselves, we learn to value the positive ones and lessen the
effects of the negative ones.Each conscious decision we make to improve ourselves, we then take
a step closer into finally revealing who and what we really are.
In part two will examine this much closer.  warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

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