Thursday 28 May 2020

Let Our SELF Triumph. L O S T Part Two.

May those of us who have become lost in the endless labyrinth's of life,find from within the
vital life force the insight and awareness that will lead us out of ignorance into the clarity
and perception that an inner knowing brings.
ninety five percent of our brain activity is beyond our conscious awareness,we have only
five percent of our cognitive ability available for our use.This percentage however can be
increased by taking up meditation or yoga.
We are all actors upon this stage of life,all playing a ROLE, but unlike the actors in a film
or stage play, who when they finish their play or film,return to there other role of being an
actor, we because we have been enclosed within this physical body, and totally identify with
it as being WHO I REALLY AM, we then buy hook line and sinker into this total FALLACY
that we really are this DOCTOR, or BUTCHER,or LAWYER and totally fail to cognate  the
fact that these are all ROLES that we play,while gathering experiences here upon this school
room planet Earth.
We become hopelessly lost within our ROLE PLAY acts,and because of this shutting down
of other avenues we could explore to create a greater and much more profound life experience,
we thereby limit our life potentiality by seeing ourselves as the butcher, doctor, lawyer, etc
which buying into this illusion thereby becomes limiting and stagnating the life energy that
surges through your vehicle of expression.
How familiar are you with the idea of expanded awareness,and perception? What about intuition
and insightful ideas that flash into the mind?What about consciousness expansion and inner
realisation? Changing our vibration frequencies by meditation and yoga,increased sensitivity
to people places and things, all of these mentioned are available by our very birthright, but so
many of us live out our entire lives in first gear, and never venture beyond these self imposed
limits. We PLAY the ROLE of just being a human being and act out that role with such precision
and closed mindedness, that we totally and hopelessly lose sight of our TRUE and IMMORTAL
DIVINE HERITAGE. We never need be lost again,we can instead become FOUND within the
all embracing arms of DIVINE LOVE that is who and WHAT you are dear reader of this BLOG,
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you can you please pass it onto your family and friends Thank You.

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