Friday 22 May 2020

Law Of One Manifesting Internal Neural Gateways. L O O M I N G part Two,

What is looming within mankind is a great awakening into the realisation of just who and
what we really all are made of, and consist of. This process has been called by many as that of ascension, the process of awakening within mankind to their true and immortal nature.
The law of ONE relates to the fact,and a fact it Absolutely IS, even science and quantum
physics agree, that there is just ONE basic universal FORCE, quantum physics calls this the
Unified-Field, Energy, Infinite-Intelligence, Consciousness, LIFE, or just simply SPIRIT!
Mankind is presented within five basic energy level dimensions) the lowest level is that of
being presented within a physical vehicle,we call our bodies(and so many millions of us
wrongly assume that this vehicle, is who we really are, self identifying with your vehicle)
Imagine if we identified ourselves with the car vehicle we drive to work in,what do you think
would happen if you said that FORD car I drive is me you know??
Madness runs deep in this valley of shadows. At our highest level of being we all our what we
all have been eternally, and that is SPIRIT,all life is SPIRIT, it could not be OTHERWISE.
We are all basically SPIRIT BEING, the ONE becoming the MANY, condensed drastically
down from our PURE ENERGY PERFECTION intangible BEINGNESS, leaving the
stillness of Absolute BEING and ENTERING the ROARING FORTIES of relative existence
where the ONE LAW of BEING which is LIGHT is then refracted into seven universal laws
by being bent through the PRISM of Conscious INTENTION.
Our lives upon this teaching school room called Earth, is about us leaning and playing with
ENERGY,the energy of emotions, fear,sadness, joy, happiness, loss, found, death, life, born,
die, beggar man, thief, rich man, poor man, etc etc, we play these roles over multiple lives
and incarnations here in the classroom that eventually leads each SOUL to the FULL KNOWING
of just who and what you really are, which is that of BEING a Divine Immortal SPIRIT that has
a SOUL.The SOUL is your last VEHICLE that we keep,if we exit that last vehicle which is the
immortal divine soul,We would then BURST the BUBBLE of life being expressed, and would
then DISSOLVE totally back into THE ONE ABSOLUTE BEING!
You dear reader of this blog, have the power within you to fully know and realise your full inner
DIVINE NATURE,are you up to this challenge today? In this life time, or will you postpone it to
your next incarnation,into this valley of shadows and tears?
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realisation.
If this blog resonates with you dear reader,can you please pass it on to family and friends Thanks.

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