Tuesday 12 February 2019

Matter Is Numinosity Emerging Spirit.=M I N E S Part Two.

The singularity belongs within the ONE, which is absolute in being. Duality belongs within
that which is called relative, and appears as a multitude of many things. Any number more
than one is universally representing what we call duality. We all think we see many "apparently"
different "things", however this is a mirage and an illusion. Quantum science now says that the
universe consists of just ONE THING and they call that one thing ENERGY. By understanding
this basic reality, we are in effect beginning to move our consciousness out of the duality based
relative world of illusory THINGS, into the reality of the singularity and there just being the
ONE BEING, ONE THING, plurals only exist within the illusion of the MANY, many
belongs to the dream world we have all been dwelling in for ages past, we are all now on the
CUSP of a great awakening into the realisation of our true and lasting identity. There are NOT
seven and a half billion LIFE'S upon this earth plane, there is BUT ONE LIFE! There are NO
Consciousness-Has-Risen-Into-Self-Thinking=C H R I S T , when we look deeply within our being
and ask the most basic question we can ever ask of our self, that of "who am "I"? We will then
be motioning toward uncovering who we really are, which is the SELF, uncovering is what we
will all be doing sooner or later,because we already are the SELF, and have been eternally so, its
just that we have all been lost within the dream world of duality and things, plus the illusion of
us all being separate entities, apart from each other, this is absolutely FALSE and an illusion
and has NO baring on REALITY!
All matter, which science tells us is energy, is also spirit  manifesting its numinosity within the
universe, our "physical bodies" too are entirely made out of and our SPIRIT, it appears as what
we call matter, and seemingly having a low frequency vibration, but that too is an illusion, when
we fully awaken our inner self will merge with the outer self and our so called flesh(which is
energy/spirit) will ascend to the frequency of its true state, which will be a lighted body we all
our self luminous, its just that our physical eyes cannot yet see that inner GLOW, some
sensitives see a partial emanation of that inner light of spirit, which is termed to be our AURA
but this aura is a very pale and dim emanation from the full light of the LIGHTED BODY,
which is the appearance of brilliant white light within a billowing golden hue, like sunlight
sparkling upon a frosted dew laden grass.
Warmest regards Michael
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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