Wednesday 6 February 2019

Life Is Gathering Hidden Truth.=L I G H T Part Two.

We can all see the light,unless we are born blind, we are all familiar with its existence, every day
the sun shines, we go out and about under its bright and warm influence. We have electric light
so that when darkness falls, we can still see. We all seem to think, and take for granted that the
true source of light, lies outside of our being.What we do not realise though, is that we as human
beings are totally composed of light.All matter, all energy,is composed of compressed or congealed
light, in fact we are all self luminous but our normal vision cannot see it, those who are more
sensitive see this luminosity issuing out from us all and know is as out aura.
The hidden truth lies within us all, this inner truth when our consciousness penetrates through
its surface membrane, reveals the truth of who and what you really are, and this truth is
immutable and eternal. Our external world, and the universe we know is all relative and dual
by nature, so that aspects of truth are only ever revealed, and these truths change, as our
understanding changes. Absolute truth though never changes, and remains the same for all
eternity.We are all absolute truth at the core of our being, which is spirit, and therefore eternal.
When we leave our inner core of being, and become expressed as motional life, we are then
dressed into forms of expression, and therefore each of these forms of expression become relative
and remain that way until we journey back though those seven bodies of expression and therefore
become one again, and merge back into the infinite absolute ocean of unexpressed life.
Relative truth comes and goes, absolute truth never varies because it is absolute perfection.
We are all LIFE and life is eternal, that is an absolute immutable law of universal correspondence
we fear what we call death, and the reason we fear this,is because we do not know and fully understand exactly who and what we really are behind this facade of form, called the human body.
If we could all see that our physical bodies are only vehicles to enable higher life energy, which
is your soul,to encounter experience upon this plane of Earth. When we die we vacate the vehicle
change our vibration frequency and carry on living as before, the only difference is that you will
have shed your physical body, and now you function fully in your astral body. Each one of us has
done this many many times, its that when we are born on earth a veil comes down, and shuts out the
memories of past lives, so that you can be fully focused in this one.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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