Thursday 6 July 2017

All Things Resolve Into Thing.

If we can fully understand the primal issue that presents itself to us all in our everyday day life, then
we could easily answer a seemingly impossible question, suppose you asked the question, how many
things are there in the universe? This question would seem to be utterly impossible to answer, and yet
I can answer this question, without any fear of contradiction, the answer is simply one. How can this
be you ask! Well first we need to know what a thing basically consists of, pick up anything round
you and look at it, maybe your phone, what is it made of? Plastic you may say, what then is plastic
made of then? From oil products, what then is oil made of then? eventually if you keep looking at
any thing, you will see it is basically made of energy, energy held is a cohesive field of collected
We are in effect mesmerized by the illusion of billions of so called things. This is totally false,
reality is always singular, never plural, a little song I use to remind me of this truth is, "there  is
no plurality in reality"  everything you see, hear, touch, taste, is all the very same thing, the only
difference that is noticed is in its vibrational rate, and how that is expressed, an apple has a different
rate than say a banana, therefore they look and taste different, but in truth they are all basically
energy. Energy can taste different, look different, act different, but in essence is exactly the same.
There is only one thing in evidence upon this planet, within this solar system, within this Milky
Way Galaxy, within the universe, and that one thing is LIFE, which breaks down into Living
Intelligent Focussed Energy=LIFE, that is all there is, was, and will ever be! NO-THING else
exists within reality except LIFE PERIOD. We therefore try and extract from this life essence
other meanings that can help us more fully understand what this life essence actually is?
We use the word energy, now science loves this word, it explains so much to them, they even
say that energy cannot be destroyed, only converted, which of course is true, so science is partially
right in the understanding of what reality actually is, I say partially because as far as I know, science
has not made the leap of faith and attributed intelligence within this energy. The next word that is
extracted from the LIFE essence is the word consciousness, now many in the fields of quantum
mechanics are actually beginning to be aware that the universe is  intelligent and possibly even
actually self aware!
Will continue this in part two, warmest regards Michael. comments welcome facebook soul realization.

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