Tuesday 25 July 2017

Become-Ex;pressed-Awakened-Living-Infinite-Vibrating-Energy. = B.E, A.L.I.V.E.

What does it mean to be alive? How do we know that we are? And how much alive are we ? Are
we fully alive, or just partially? Do we know that consciousness and life are exactly the same thing.
Awareness is an aspect of consciousness, and so is perception, what then are we to make of this thing
called mind? What exactly is it? And why is there an ancient injunction saying that the mind is the
slayer of the real? What is the "real" that the mind slays? So many questions, can they all be answered? Yes they can and will be here. We need to cognize that life is far different than we have
ever imagined, or been taught, life, of which we are deeply embedded within it, is in our case
expressed within a vehicle we call the physical body, we are living points of consciousness
embedded within a formal expression, called your body, we need to be aware that life and livingness
is made up of energy, and energy by its very nature is fluid, and flows much the same as water flows,
life can be called Living-Intelligent-Focussed-Energy=life, that is what we all basically are, living
intelligent focussed energy, which equals you and me.
You may be wondering by this juncture as to what part the mind plays here, and what exactly is the mind? Well for one thing it is not consciousness, consciousness and mind are two different
entities, consciousness is eternal and infinite, the mind is a construct made by you at the express will
of the "I" of the ego, and is only temporal in nature, and will in time cease to be.
We construct three aspects of what makes us tick, at the birth of the "I" at around two years old we begin a construction plan, without any planning permission i mad add! First comes the !I" which is the ego, then comes the mind, (which is the slave of the ego) then comes the personality which is always last to appear.
Thoughts are just the ego's way of getting its wished and demands met, thoughts are basically wants
manifesting in a coded understandable way which we call language.
Consciousness, awareness, and perception, are all aspects of the same energy signature that of LIFE
energy, thoughts and mind are noting to do with this. It might be very difficult for you to grasp this,
as most of us have been brought up the believe  that mind and consciousness are the same thing, well
they are definitely not the same , and I shall make this very plain to see in the next blog part two.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com comments welcome face book soul realization.

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