Saturday 15 July 2017

Steeped Down Energy Our Bodies Act As Dampening Fields.

Our bodies are vast energy fields, steeped down by our physical body, which is reality is "protective
clothing"  (a space suit, or rather an Earth suit) for a higher energy to gain purchase in this dense
and very low vibrational field, that of our immortal souls. We only ever use about 3% of our energy
potential, mostly due to the fact that we are completely oblivious to the true nature of our identity
and therefore are never in a position to use any more, due to our vast ignorance of what and who we
really are.
This higher energy that is within us, is our very life essence, that of a soul expressed as being, you!
The soul has access to unlimited energy, if only we knew how to tap into it. Most of us spend our
entire lives running on almost empty, when within us is an unlimited storehouse of energy, but because we are never taught this truth at school, or anywhere else, we remain ignorant for the whole
of our life time, a tragic waste of human potential.
My hope is that these blogs, can in a small way, open the door into the readers mind, and that in so
doing look within yourself, and find this truth and reality there within YOU!
When we have experienced this reality, as I have, we share it with others in the hope that they too
will experience this reality for themselves, and the beauty of this method is that this reality lies
within you now, you do not have to take my word for it, or anybody else's, this truth resides within
you, all you have to do is look within.
That's all I did over forty years ago now, and found the realty of our immortal souls, lying there within me awaiting recognition. Meditation was a great help and guide  to help me find the way
to this centre within us.  You too can use this method to find your higher self waiting discovery within you.
You will discover that you are a spiritual being, having a human experience here on earth. And that
what you are experiencing is what it feels like to be separated from the WHOLE, that is where our
feelings of longing all come from, our sense of being apart from that which is WHOLE, that is the
root cause of all our inner yearning and longing, we want to be filled, and do not know where to look
for the answer to this longing.
In part two will explore this further. warm regards Michael. comments welcome, facebook soul realization.

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