Wednesday 26 July 2017

Become-Expressed-Awakened-Living-Infinite-Vibrating-Energy.=B.E.A.L.I.V.E. Part Two.

To be fully alive, we need to also be fully awake, and sadly that is not the case for the vast majority
of the human race. The majority of the human race is only operating on two dimensions, that of
physical, and mental, the third dimension that of the spiritual dimension is for so many, completely
unused, and largely unknown by most. So the reality for most of the human race, is that they are
operating on limited power, and often running on empty,this is why there is so much sickness
and dis-ease within the world, and why the first two dimensions are running loose and completely
out of control, The ego centred mind set is in firm control, that is why we have world wars, and dozens of local wars as well, all fuelled by bloated swaggering ego's , and all wanting THEIR way
to be the only right way, and if you disagree we will kill you!
From this two dimensional mind set, arises all forms of manipulation, we are all manipulated by
the media, which is owned by about five major companies, they only tell you what THEY want you to know, actual real news, never gets any where near their presses. Advertisers are all ego lead, and
basically sell us bullshit pretending to be some heavenly cream that will take years of your life, and
just for this week's special offer this amazing cream is only 100 pounds per jar, the actual contents
of this crap is worth about ten pence.
We only ever use about three per cent of our mental capacity, which means that ninety seven per cent of us is unconscious, and never used, and when you also add into the equation that we are all living
just two dimensional lives, that of just being physical and mental, with the spiritual dimension lying
dormant within us, when this is all added up, it reveals a very alarming scenario, it shows that we are
all actually sleepwalking through our lives, never fully awake at any time, and we die after say seventy or eighty years we were never even aware of this reality, this i find very sad, and one reason
i am writing this blog, to try and update us all into the reality of being alive within the human family.
None of us are at fault for this ignorance of our being, we were never taught this at school, college,
or university, our parents did not know the reality of our being either, no one knew anything about
who and what we really are, now days though there is a lot of stuff on the internet that tells us exactly
who we are, if we take the trouble to read it, that is.
In part three i will go fully into how we can wake up far more fully and access a greater level of
consciousness, that we now have access to.
warmest regards michael. comments welcome soul realization facebook.

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