Sunday 8 March 2020

Superdeterminism Presents As Karma Expressed. S P A K E Part Two,

The ancient wisdom knew thousands of years ago what entanglement of particles meant.
As quantum physics is now discovering, although the ancient ones did not call this process
entanglement, more likely they just called it a unified wholeness.
It is not just particles that become entangled, the reality is that the whole relative universe is
entangled and everything in this universe is connected and interconnected with each other
portion of expressed life.
In order to more fully understand the idea of free will, which I feel does not exist, it seems
to exist ,but I feel this is an illusion.
We as this thing called the human race, are not fully present here on Earth. We exist in five
other sheaths of expression, the last sheath is the physical body. We are in fact proportionally
represented dimensionally through five different dimensions of expression. In our physical form
we present as relative beings, but in our highest state we are all eternal Absolute  Being.
And when you consider that being an eternal being means that by nature of being transcendent
of nature, also then transcends that of Karma superdeterminism and the idea of free will.
Now although in our inner nature we all transcend Karma and also all the other universal laws
as well. Because being Absolute transcends all universal laws ,in effect when you are Absolute
you are the LAW!  And therefore unaffected by it. But when in our physical role of playing
at being a human being, we are then subject to cause and effect or Karma. When we can
understand that reality, and go within ourselves and align ourselves with the natural law
we then begin to burn up this Karmic liability and can then eventually transcend and go
beyond the limitations of humanity into the finer realms and more subtle inner realms of
spiritual bliss and perfect serenity.
There is absolutely nothing complicated about the question as to why we are all here, there is
just one and only one reason any of us are here, and that sole reason is to realise your own
immortal SOUL, which will then automatically lead onto that of full SELF KNOWING,
by the time you reach that exalted state dear reader, the whole idea of free will, will have
vanished forever to you.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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