Sunday 1 March 2020

Positive Relatively Is Motion Exclusively Divine. P R I M E D Part Two.

All motion is born within absolute motionlessness,motionlessness is absolute, and motion
becomes relative the moment it stirs into a direction. The vast majority of motioning life
is done unconsciously,it is all fully alive but unconsciously so.
We human beings are as far as we accurately know are the only beings that have this "God-Like
ingredient which is that of our 'I AM consciousness' which is self awareness ( although we
need to be aware that  this self-awareness applies ONLY to that of the lower-self, and not of
the higher-self,99.9999999 per cent of humanity is still very much unconscious of this
coming reality.)
Self awareness or more accurately that of lower self awareness has this added dimension to it
which then transforms motion into that of E-motion in other words we can "feel" and "know"
we are all moving, and we can feel these movements within us that can make us feel happy
or afraid as these inner stirrings can whip up an emotional storm within our human psyche's.
These are emotions linked into the impact of being knowingly self aware. We then feel the impact
and effects of other human beings that interact within our localised energy life stream.
We are all busy moving through and experiencing life as we do so,we fail to realise that within
this apparent maelstrom of perpetual motion, which is the signature note of all relativity and this
relative universe,therein all around us is also perpetual stillness,in fact we are all surrounded by
that of absolute motionlessness, this is sometimes called by us as the PRESENCE, the presence
lies outside of relativity and remains forever absolute,but our feelings can penetrate this ultra thin
veil that separates absoluteness from that of relativity, and therefore our added ingredient which
is I AM self aware consciousness, the God like (particle?)   can and indeed does feel this very ultra
real PRESENCE, the presence never moves,it remains eternally still,just like the ever present
NOW, the now and the presence are inextricably linked together, if we ponder on this union for
a while,and meditate upon it, a revelation will dawn upon you.
We are ALL subconsciously PRIMED to motion towards the direction of full SELF KNOWING
that is why we are all here, we are here to reveal eventually to our startled selves that of our true
and immortal everlasting real identity. You will see this dear reader when your day of awakening
arrives, maybe it is on its way today for you?
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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