Thursday 5 March 2020

We Are The Evolutionary Riders. W A T E R .

The Primal Causeless cause arose within the Absolute Consciousness and become the 'will to
motion' motion from motionlessness,the will to manifest a relative universe was born aloft
within the primal intentional thought wave . This primal thought wave is still out rolling today
countless billions of years after it was first conceived within the infinite consciousness.
We that are called that of humanity are still in effect and in fact still riding upon this primordial
thought wave . We are the 'riders of the WILL', all riding towards a destiny that will ultimately
lead us to our full realisation of just who and what we really are.
Consciousness is really that of the waters of life because as we go deeper into this infinite ocean
of consciousness, we begin to then perceive who we really are .
Riding the wave of the primal will is a journey that will and has taken us through a myriad of
experiences which have all gradually changed the way we thought and acted, slowly as each
incarnation comes and goes, we begin to start putting all the pieces together, and begin to see
and whats more feel these connections to all other life, and also to each other, we begin to see
that the whole of humanity is connected and interconnected with each other.
We have all because of our journey so far has lead mankind into the point of I AM self aware
consciousness,this self aware consciousness needs a firm location in order to gather enough
experiences of what this new found self awareness really means.That is why we are all
Earthbound, because this planet is designed as that of a classroom for awakenings to occur
we are all without most of us ever realising it, all at school here on Earth, and as this
incarnation process takes many incursions into this so called valley of tears, a further provision
has been made so that we have a place to rest and reflect on our past life,while awaiting another
incarnation here on Earth.
This additional place of rest and reflection is called by us the Astral planes. theses staging posts
for us to use in between Earthy lives are provided by infinite Intelligence.
In part two will explore further into this riders of the will. Warmest regards Michael  any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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