Wednesday 4 March 2020

Three Evolutionary Ascensions Mankind Evolving Divinity, T E A M E D Part Three.

We are all gradually evolving into a state and understanding of our inner divine heritage.
We need to be mindful that divinity has absolutely nothing to do with any religion whatsoever
divinity is just another name for Spirit or the immortal life essence the SOURCE. And we are
all fully contained within this SOURCE, but sadly most of humanity does not know or realise
this facet of reality. In part one and two I dealt with the human realisation, and we are all well
acquainted with this first realisation of what it is to be a human being. So now I want to more
into part two and three of our realisation sequence, that leads us into the full knowledge and
realisation of exactly who we are.Many of us move into the awakening sequence of soul
realisation by being caught up within a major crisis, and therefore hearing that 'still small
voice' within us, this leads on to the gradual dawning of a resident intelligence that dwells
within  us.By making self inquiry and meditating upon this inner intelligent being within us,
we gradually make contact, and eventually establish a telepathic exchange with this unexpected
inner resource within us.
Which we then go onto discover is our own divine immortal soul. When that great day arises in
our lives we are then firmly on the path of the second realisation, that of knowing we are a
divine immortal soul.We can stay at this level for as long as it takes,maybe several more
incarnations. We are arrive at the last stage which is that of SELF realisation
One great soul who I know has completed this last realisation was the master called SRI Ramana
Maharshi born 1879 died 1950, from Tamil Nadu India.Ramana became SELF realised when he
was just twelve years old, this realisation was a spontaneous one for him. Realising the SELF is
a stage that for most of us lies in a future incarnation. It is a state of Absolute Knowing and that
of universal consciousness and awareness. It is the complete and total dissolving of the ego,
personality, individuality, and mind,which are all lower self creations that have outlived their
use fullness and are absorbed and melt away out of existence. When you reach this state of
BEING the SOURCE where your consciousness embraces the entire relative universe and
further transcends it as well.Ramana Maharshi whose ashram I have visited twice  in India , was a
physical body that was empty of ego mind,and personality. This might sound rather scary to some,
thinking that he was then mindless! Well actually he was,he had lost his lower self mind, and had gained his full SELF REALISED UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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