Sunday 22 March 2020

Luminous Infinite Force Expressed. L I F E . Part Two.

Universal life is expressed in a myriad number of ways,we as this thing called humanity
are just one way of being expressed within countless other ways. When life is being expressed
as the word expression means, that it is in motion, all expressed life is in motion, which can be likened to that of poetry in motion, whereas life unexpressed is motionless and also therefore
Absolute, which can be likened to that of the Absolute Intelligence, or simply that of GOD.
We as being expressed emotional life are then relative and contained within  a duality based
temporal relative reality field.Our motions within our life stream are motioning backwards
and forwards within the two polarities that of the positive and negative poles.
In order to find balance and equilibrium we need to move into the centre region of our
expression which equals with that of neutrality  which is our heart centre,the heart centre
is neutral, the left hand represents the negative polarity,the right hand represents the positive
polarity, and the heart centre the neutral middle way or path.
If we go too far in any direction either negative or positive, we will automatically become
unbalanced, and if left unchecked we will become ill, either physically,mentally, or
emotionally, to remain healthy and balanced we need to keep as close to the heart centre as we
possibly can.
We may well ask ourselves the question, particularly when in times of crisis or trial,what is the
purpose of my life? Or maybe even what is the point in my life? The answer to that question is
first, there is no point in your life or anybody else's life, all life is eternal and therefore has zero
need of points.The purpose of your life however has just one basic and fundamental purpose
and that ONE PURPOSE is SOLELY  for you to find your immortal SOUL, which will then
lead onto the inner revelation of that you are in fact the SELF, which is the ONE-LIFE, the 
ALL LIFE that EXISTS. WE are ALL basically mirrors holograms of each other,the ONE SELF
posing as a multitude of facets of its ONE SELF,and each facet (or lower higher self) each
engaging in collecting its own image spectrum those experiences within its Earthly life time.
The SOLE reason we are all here on Earth is to reveal consciously that which you truly are
and that is an immortal being, and NOT a physical body vehicle,that actions solely as a vehicle
for the Divine occupant the SOUL.Then when you realise the reality of your divine immortal
soul, you will then further realise that your soul was ALSO just a vehicle for the SELF, which
is in short that of GOD.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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