Monday 30 March 2020


We are all just a facet sized atom of the ONE Inscrutable Infinite Absolute SELF. Locked
within our inner matrix is a homing beacon which is our eternal connection to the Absolute
SELF. This connection is linked into all the five sheaths or expressions within their
dimensional levels.Because of this indestructible and eternal link we all have to the Absolute
SELF, we can never ever become lost or forgotten cast adrift upon an ocean of despair,although
many of us can actually feel this, as though it were true, I for one have felt the desperate despair
and utter desolation and isolation from life and any support,but although these feelings feel very
real at the time,they also teach us a valuable lesson.
By turning inwards I discovered that it was totally impossible ever to be disconnected from the
WHOLE. It is just our ignorance of who we really are  which then becomes our worst enemy
particularly when in a crisis or times of trial.
The fact is that we (humanity) are all eternal beings experiencing the experiences of being a
relative embodied soul, who then identifies itself as that of being a human being, and then the
ego tricks the being (you dear reader) into the idea that the physical body is really all you are.
This is a lie that needs dispelling and expunged from your consciousness.It is the lie of the ego
that fears loosing its vice like grip over you if you start looking within yourself and meditating
it fears that you might begin realising that you are far more than just a flesh and blood being.
When we can sit quietly relax and go within ourselves we can begin exploring this vast infinite
ocean of consciousness that exist therein.
Sitting there in the inner silence we gradually become sensitive to the inner energies that are
much more subtle than the external energies that we are all used to.Here relaxed in this inner
silence we can tune into and gradually become aware of an inner pulsation this inner pulsation
is that of the homing beacon that is vouchsafed within every being on this planet without
exception,this homing beacon is none other than the SELF, acting upon its atom particle
that is embedded within your soul and inner matrix, if we listen to that inner OM that
reverberates within us, it will lead us into a journey of SELF-discovery.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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