Sunday 4 September 2016

Show me the way to Soul Realization.

We all have travelled many pathways in our physical expressions of life, some paths were very painful and agonising ,and  some were delightful and up lifting ,we  all seem to have positive experiences and negative ones,for the first thirty years of my life it seemed mostly negative and very painful culminating in my being given only three months to live, I was empty inside ,and  the very epitome of a lost soul  ,down  and outcast and riddled with crushing fear and panic.
It was at this moment of impending doom and out of control crisis that I found help from a group of people who understood what I had been experiencing and shared with me that "I was like you once" this identification with others opened the floodgates of stemmed up emotions that had been sealed off for so many years.
It was also at this point that I discovered the presence of an energy arising from within that I felt was a Divine being granting me the energy and wherewithal  to take each day and begin recovering and going from just a painful existence to vibrant living and happiness.
I started to meditate and have being doing so for the past forty years,I discovered that meditation produces expansion ,expansion  of consciousness, awareness ,and  perception,I asked that spirit within to show me the way to find my true being,who was "I"? Where was I going? And will I have the power or energy to do it all? Many questions I asked from within sitting in silence ,and  the answers always came, many times instantly as the question was asked.
As time passed I became aware and sensitive to many things that had been hidden from me in my blindness to reality,I discoved that the truth of livingness was all around us "hidden in plain sight"
This lead me to (discover) (uncover) the inner reality of being a soul with a body,and NOT a body with a soul,there is a vast difference between the two.
Soul realization was presenting itself to me,and I was amazed and excited at the wonderment of it all.
with kind regards Michael.

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