Saturday 27 August 2016

Is Crisis Necessary To Effect Change?

What I have observed  in my 72 years of physical embodiment is that we seem to be very reluctant to change at all unless we are presented with a crisis ,and  even then  many of us wait until the crisis becomes critical or life threatening before we actually take any action ,why  is this? Do you think.
I had a number of crisis events in my earlier life and did absolutely nothing about them until my doctor told me I had three months to live ,then  I really listened and sought help with my addiction problem and asked for help.
That was over forty years ago now and I am fit and well thanks to a recovery program I have been in all these years and also to the Higher Self the God within us all ,the  Divine Architect of the universe.
I started meditating in 1975 and have  been involved it it daily all these years, and a what I have discovered from within us is contact with the higher self (soul) that divine spirit within us all, conscious contact and inspiration with the intuition fired up (in-tuition)= learning from within ,contacting  cosmic consciousness and an expansion of awareness ,perception  ,and a deeper
understanding of our physical expression upon this Earth plane
All of us have the ability to do this,all it needs is focussing,persistence and patience,to start by looking within us,and asking the questions,who am I really? What is my purpose here? if we persist in these questions the answers will come to us,we just need to sit quietly look within focus on our breathing, still the way word   thoughts  (it can be done in we persist) and listen to that still small voice from within,that is our higher selves contacting us telling us we are Souls with bodies,and NOT bodies with Souls,there is a BIG difference.
regards michael

1 comment:

  1. This is my experience that I am sharing on my blog hope it can be of some use to anyone who reads it,regards Michael.
