Saturday 13 August 2016

The Soul-ution to finding our Heritage.

We are much more than we physically show to the everyday world, yet many of us are completely unaware of this reality, simply put we are all three fold beings, physical ,mental ,and spiritual  we seem to understand the first two fold expressions but the third expression the spiritual seems to baffle most of us ,it  certainly baffled  me for a long while.
When I first started out in meditation all I thought I wanted to do was to still this chattering brain and find some inner peace and relaxation
Over the years I have found out so much more ,I  discovered that basically we are all energy units ,living energy and we are expressed within many levels the physical being the lowest and lesser frequency.
I discovered that we are souls with physical bodies ,and  not bodies with souls ,the  soul is primal the body is just a vehicle to allow the soul expression in this dense physical realm.
Through meditation we can connect with our higher self ,the  soul and then receive intuition ,learning  from within.
The many questions that arise from within us are all answered here,from within lies true knowledge and wisdom.
regards Michael.

1 comment:

  1. Just sharing my experience,hope it is of some use to anyone who reads it,regards Michael.
