Thursday, 11 August 2016

We are expressed in a LIE which =Living-intelligent-Energy.

Who are we? What are we? These are questions mankind has been asking for thousands of years
and there are answers to this most important question ,if we know where to look.
There are of course many books that will say that man is immortal and has a soul and a light body ,however, I have been involved with meditation for the past 40 years and have found this truth
which is vouchsafed within us, if we take the time and effort to look within and find out who we really are.
What I have found over these past four decades is that we are basically and fundamentally Energy,
Living Intelligent Energy ,and  that we are "souls with a physical body ,and   Not bodies with a soul.
Our physical bodies are just a vehicle to allow the Higher self (soul) expression on this physical plane
when we die we just "exit the vehicle" and move into another plane of expression, sometimes called
the Astral plane,which is just another level of expression on a higher frequency than the denser physical plane.
regards Michael.

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