Wednesday 17 August 2016

Soul Searching and Sharing Experiences.

Hello and welcome to you all out there in  bloggerland these blogs of mine are not  fancy and I have nothing to sell ,I  find it hard to navigate around the computer and understand all the computer terms and jargon,all I can offer here on my blog is to share with anyone who bothers to read it my experiences of over forty years of soul searching inquiry meditation and reading many books regarding finding your true self and enlightenment.
I want to share what I have discovered and hope its useful to anyone who reads it ,and  perhaps identifies with some of the insights gathered within.
I want to help all who read this to come to believe that gaining contact with your higher self is a normal and natural thing to do (because it is what we really are,"souls with bodies")
It just takes a prolonged willingness and persistence,patience and a firm belief that it will manifest itself to you as it is your heritage and  birthright  to align yourself to the higher being within you.
regards Michael.

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