Friday 9 September 2016

We are consumed by a Longing to be Whole.

We are basically three dimensional beings, physical, mental ,and spiritual forming a triad of expression on the physical plane of matter ,unless  we express these three dimensions of being we are Not fully alive!
I came across an ancient story many years ago which told of an angel flying over a busy city and declaring very loudly " behold the city of the dead" this statement hit me in the solar plexus like a sledge hammer ,how  could an angel fly over a city "teeming with life" and say it was full of dead beings?
After a long while of pondering upon this, and deep soul searching thought I came up with the answer
 and it was not to my liking at first ,I  discovered  that for most of my life I had been only a two dimensional being ,physical ,and  mental, the spiritual aspect was dead and as yet unborn ,I  was only two thirds alive ,and  one third dead!
I realised that I was a fragmented being with a deep longing to be whole and fill this vast emptiness  that seemed to consume me from within.
I discovered by chatting to thousands of people over forty odd years that I was not alone in this quest for finding wholeness and how to fill this deep longing and hunger for finding our true selves and being at peace within.
I discovered that millions of folk tried to fill that hunger  with things like, alcohol,(which Carl Jung the world renowned doctor and author of many books said that,Alcoholism is a low level thirst for God ,overeating ,gambling, and all manner of other habits that are a greed to "fill this hole inside"
regards Michael.

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