Monday 26 September 2016

Eddies Of Life Within An Ocean Of Consciousness.

Humanity could really be nothing more  than the appearance of "eddies" within an ocean of consciousness ,All  interconnected, all seperatness  an illusion,no "realness in the absolute sense" just a point of reference within this eddy, that being self awareness which questions its identity (am I real)
No you are not.It appears we really are is not a person,or individual, but rather just a wave or eddy within the ocean, ,when the swell pushes up and intent presses out a wave or eddy is "born" aloft we are that wave!
Whereas the wave of H2O may only have a few seconds of experience before sinking back into the ocean,we on the other hand can have many years before sinking back into life's ocean. But are they not the same? The time difference may suggest this ,but  time is an illusion as well!
Life seems to flow like a liquid and that's exactly what it is,we are in effect liquid  consciousness arising moment by moment through the infinite  ocean. Each wavelet formed is one life cycle on Earth, and so it continues until one discovers that it can transcend the eddy and release the inner
intent from manifesting any other wavelets ,unless it so chooses.
An ancient wording says this "As above ,so below" I would like to add another maxim here and it says "As with the ocean,so with life"we  are the ocean expressed as waves,each swell (wave) is a lifetime on Earth, however long or short that may be, as with a storm at sea the waves get bigger and the troughs deeper ,this  manifests in physical life as a very turbulent expression,and a painful existence,while in calmness like the Doldrums nothing much seems to happen in that life time with very little experience gained.
We as humanity are "riding along on the crest of a wave"and seem to have lost contact with the ocean,thus resulting in the utter chaos and greed ,selfishness, that abounds todayand why so many are lost and bereft of any internal sustenance.
I would respectfully suggest that by practising positive wholesome thinking and using meditation as a tool which will "PIERCE"the surface tension of the water and allow  access to the ocean beneath.
Thereby  re-establishing contact with the source of being and begin the long journey Home.

With warm regards Michael.
you can also visit my home page on facebook called Soul Realization if you care to.

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