Monday 12 September 2016

Our we Authentic,or a cardboard cut out?

What is authenticity? Is it being what you really are, rather than being what you think others want you to be? And how many of us really know who we are? Do we realise that we are in fact multi-dimensional beings expressed in many levels, the physical being the lowest and soul-being ness  the highest?
If we make a practise of meditation or yoga we will begin the long road that gradually reveals to us our real self rather than the cardboard cut out image so many of us display all of our lives.
We need expansion rather than constriction ,and  the  best way I know to gain expansion of consciousness, awareness ,and  perception is through meditation ,this  way if we are persistent in doing this our Higher Self the Soul will present itself to you,and say Hello ,its  been a long time!

regards Michael.

1 comment:

  1. we are not one but three 'persons': the one we think we are; there one others think we are; the real one we are!these are three states of our self-realization!
    "i am messenger of god; i am son of god; i & my father are one"!beautifully explained by lord Jesus Christ
