Monday 24 January 2022


 The Lotus flower is regarded in many different cultures, especially in eastern religions

as a symbol of purity, enlightenment, self regeneration and rebirth, its characteristics are

a perfect analogy for the human condition, even when its roots are in the dirtiest muddy

water, the lotus produces the most beautiful flower. This blog entitled LOTUS is about 

how we can through understanding our SELF can too blossom like the lotus flower.

When we take up the practice of meditation or yoga we are embarking upon a journey

that will gradually reveal and also peel away the layers of ignorance that lies within us,

about who and what we really are.

True and lasting happiness can only really be found within ourselves. We cannot find

lasting happiness and joy from things that exist outside of ourselves. These things bring

a temporary joy and happiness , but this will soon fade away, and we will want another 

object or thing to bring us joy or happiness .

When we look within ourselves our expression of LIFE opens up and expands as we dive

deeper into the inner self that lies beneath the surface of temporal thoughts. 

When all thoughts are stilled, then the real YOU comes gradually into focus, We tune into

our intuition which is the still small voice within us all, when we can do that we begin the

process  of SELF UNDERSTANDING. Then the mud and dirt which is our ignorance 

gradually rises up into the sunshine, where we can eventually flower like the beautiful 

lotus flower, this is when through SELF searching and developing deep insights into our

real immortal inner nature we therefore gain enlightenment  and begin to blossom like

that wonderful spiritual flower, that you have become!

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass in onto your family and friends Thanks.

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