Monday 10 April 2023



This b log today entitled ASKING is about how we can all know and learn

about who we all truly are by going within ourselves,  and taking up meditation 

or yoga and "ASKING" that most fundamental question we can ever ask ourselves

which is "WHO AM I"?

The answer to the question of who am I lies within us all, we just need to enquire 

within ourselves to reveal the true nature of our being.

All inner knowing and all wisdom is "VOUCHSAFED" within our inner MATRIX

and you have to do is to GO-THERE and make NEURAL contact with the essence 

of who and what you really are. 

We are not here to particularly learn anything, but rather to experience tangible three

dimensional interactions with other beings, and to gain experience of physical life,

We all our Spirit beings having a human experience here on Earth, our physical bodies

are only physical vehicles, we are not physical beings, the physical body is a vehicle

to hold a higher life form, which is spirit.

But because of our gross ignorance we have fully identified with the covering body and

lost the vision of our true immortal nature.

Our brains are capable via our neural circuitry of accessing the electromagnetic spectrum

that totally pervades every human being,  of making direct contact t the inner core  of our

matrix being. Here in this "holy place" (Wholeness) via our intuition we can make 

conscious contact with our inner core of being .

This will then reveal to you who and what you really are, which is an eternal unborn 

Spirit  being, who is gathering tangible experiences here on Earth. We all enter this planet

Earth from the Astral universe which is a two dimensional template or membrane, that 

this physical universe arises out of within a holographic image which "APPEARS" to

us all as a three dimensional projection, but this is however a very real but in fact an


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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