Thursday 13 April 2023



This blog today entitled WAIT is about the need we all have to ask that most

basic and fundamental question that we will ever ask in our lives, and that 

question is of paramount importance so much so that all other questions pale

into insignificance when compared with the question of "Who am "I" Truthfully"?

You dear reader of this blog , do you know who you are truthfully? 

When I started meditation way back in 1974 this was the first question I asked myself

who the hell am I really? After just recovering from a near fatal illness. I wanted to 

know what was life all about and who was I beneath this FACADE of form the human

body? It took about six months to finally receive an answer from my INTUITION

insights .

The answer was that I was an immortal spirit who was here to gain experience of tangible

life in relative form, and that I was now waking up into the full realization of just who and

what I was. This awakening came over forty eight years ago now, and since then I have 

been sharing my experiences of waking up into our Divine Immortal heritage.

Our physical bodies are just vehicles like the car you drive to work on, "WE" are NOT

the vehicle, we are all Spirit BEINGS eternal and UNBORN. WAIT is about waking up 

and smelling those proverbial roses.

The whole of humanity all 8 billion of us are all immortal beings . We are all here to wake

up and also to experience tangible life and its interactions. Within us ALL lies the answer

to your Divine immortal nature. When we look within and divert our gaze inwards we will

begin the awakening process. We each have the faculty of INTUITION which means to be

taught from within, when we tune into our INTUITION that still small "HOLY" voice

will lead us all into full and total realization of just who we really are.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this bog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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