Saturday 8 April 2023



This blog today entitled ARCHES is about how our three dimensional world

as we know it, is in fact a three dimensional holographic simulation from a 

two dimensional astral universe ,  that is infinite and has boundless variations

within  its limitless range.

The two dimensional astral world projects the image  out from its two dimensional

template or membrane, and produces what "seems" to be a physical three dimensional

universe. Each image and there are countless trillions of these like the stars and planets

nature and mankind you and me are all imaged holographic images. They all "seem" 

real and solid because "we" are all holographic images ourselves, so we are all caught up 

in this mass simulation illusion of what we think is reality.

Every human  being has an astral body which interpenetrates the physical body and has

a different frequency vibration than the physical body frequency and  when this body

decays and we then change channels frequency to the astral body, and enter the astral 

realm where we carry on living as before.

Then we will be all two dimensional life forms, but will still "appear to be shaped by

form" because that is what we know we are at first  shaped forms replicas of our physical

last body. As we progress (wake up more and become aware of higher frequencies)  within

the astral universe we become less dense and gradually loose our shape and form and

become light beings  which are light spheres of infinite consciousness intelligent 


What we see in this "three dimensional hologram" is in truth a very pale and drab 

simulation of the profound radiance and exalted beauty that awaits us in the astral 

realms. Here there are oceans of liquid light of all colours, golden seas of exquisite 

wonder and beauty, all the colours of the rainbow, and many colours that are not seen

in this pale simulation three dimensional universe.

We only ever see the very low end of this magnificent spectrum of the astral worlds, we

all exist within many levels of awareness, this one here on Earth is the lowest.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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